Bells Are Ringing

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**I know it's a little early for Christmas stories, but I had this dream last night, and I needed to make it into a story! Hope you enjoy!!**

You could hear the sound of church bells ringing off in the distance, even more pronounced and spirited during the holiday time. Clutching your wool coat closer to your body, you watched as your breath turned to steam the second it left your body. It was another frosty day, with snow starting to blanket the busy streets.

As you stood off to the side of the entrance to the grand hotel, you watched as people raced to and fro, their arms struggling to hold all of their purchases. Christmas spirit seemed forgotten to these people in favor of finding the best deal. Christmas used to be your favorite time, but working with people on a daily basis had turned your thoughts jaded. Even more so now that you had no family to share the holidays with.

Sighing, you went back inside, back into the bustle of a busy, but elegant grand foyer of the prestigious hotel you were employed by. It was the Park Plaza hotel, an old pile of stones and marble that has been standing since the early 1900's. Gilded frames lined the walls,proudly displaying it's claim to fame, with all the famous celebrities that have graced it's rooms over the years. People in fur coats, and jewels worth more than your life savings pushed by, their perfume making you gag as they had wait staff bring along their luggage.

"Y/N, why did we book this convention? It doesn't suit our guests at all!" The manager of the hotel exclaimed as he came rushing towards you as fast as his pot belly would allow. "I'm afraid it's going to frighten off all our other guests. we will be the laughing stock of the luxury hotels!"

You had been worried about that too. But you had been assigned with making the hotel's convention circuit bigger and better than it had ever been. And you had been assured this convention was a step in the right direction. "It's only for three days. It will be fine." You assured him, as you undid your scarf and coat, handing them to Bob, one of the busy bellboys as you made your way back to your sanctuary.

Past the gold crusted elevators, into a long hallway, you saw the signs being placed all around, people hustling to make sure everything would be ready for check in tonight. The doors to the grand ballroom were open, and you paused for a moment, watching as row after row of chairs were placed in the giant space. The workers from the convention were busy building their stage, and you could only shake your head at the strange background they were building.

This convention was for a TV show, one you had never heard of. But that didn't surprise you. Your job gave you little time for a social life, and usually you were falling into bed, not watching the newest TV shows, news, anything. Pulling out your phone, you made a note in your calendar to at least look up the show before the convention officially started tomorrow. "Miss Y/L/N? We have all the posters placed, and the green room is set up. We will bring all the refreshments early in the morning. Is there anything else you need?" Asked Maureen, your right hand lady.

"I'm just going to do another quick walk through, check the schedule once again. Why don't you take some time off, have a nice dinner." You told her, and she gave you a grateful smile. As soon as she walked away, you made your way to where the convention staff was busy setting up their ticket station, with a mixture of different colored wristbands.

"Is everything going okay?" You asked them, and the show runner, Gary, came up to you.

"Yes. This is the smoothest running set up so far. Thank you for that. And thank you again for donating part of the motel's earnings to the boys charities. They really appreciated it." He told you.

"It's the least we could do during the holiday season. Especially since they took time out to do a convention two weeks before Christmas." You said, wondering how two boys could have this big of a draw. Imagining two, pimply faced boys, scrawny with their voices breaking.

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