First Day of College

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Saffy's POV

I hear my phone going off at 6:55 in the morning. I turned it off and got dressed into a white vest top, checkered t-shirt, black jeans and socks. "Mummy" I heard Joe say from his bed. I looked at him and smiled "Morning darling" I replied back to him. He rubbed his eyes and sat up and stretched looking at me realising it's his first day at school. He got up and rushed to the toilet and sorted himself out. I got out his clothes and he came running out with soaking wet hands dripping on the floor. I looked at him and shook my head, he rushed back and dried them properly and came back and got dressed into his checkered top, jeans and socks on. I picked up his Pj's and made his bed and put his Pj's underneath his pillow. 

I brushed my hair and put it in a fishtail. "Mummy" Joe looked at me and I nodded "Yes darling" I replied to him confused "Can nanny drop me off today" he asked me happily. I nodded and smiled at him. I grabbed my bags which had my folder, notebook, bottle of water, pencil case, phone, earphones and purse in it.  We walked downstairs and I saw Bonnie and Honey in the dining room eating breakfast. I got Joe cereal and made myself some toast, mum looked at me and smiled "Morning you two" she said to us both. I smiled at her "Morning mum. Is it okay if you take Joe to school this morning?" I asked her. She looked up at me and nodded. I went to the dining room and sat next to Joe. 

We all soon finished and cleared up and brushed my teeth. I looked at the clock and it said 7:30, "Mum I have to go" I shouted to her "Okay darling" she shouted to me. I looked at Joe and smiled at him "Hope you have a fantastic day at school remember to do daddy something wonderful" I said to him. Joe looked at me and nodded "Yes mum love you" he said to me. I kissed his forehead and went to out the door. My mum was just getting everyone in the car once I left the house. 

"Hey Saf" I heard someone say, looked behind myself and it is Olivia "Hey. you ready to go to college?" she asked me. I smiled "as ready as I'll ever be" I said to her  "Well the lynch's are going to meet us there?" she said to me. I nodded and we walked to college.

We got there and smiled to each other before we took another step some familiar arms wrapped around my waist, this warm hearted glow came upon me "Hey prince" I said to him. Rocky looked down at me and smiled and turned me around, kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back and I knew when he was smiling cause we would always laugh as we ended our kiss. Rydel,Ross,Ryland,Riker and Ellington came to Olivia and I. "Girls!!!" Rydel said loudly at both. We turned around and pelted for her to give her a big hug. "So girls what do you have first?" Ryland, Ross and Ellington said to Liv and I. We looked at the boys and smiled at us both. I smiled back at them and laughed "Well since you're new here Liv and I will show you to get your timetables?" I said to them all. They all laughed and nodded at me, we got in the college building and someone nudged past me making me fall down dropping my bag  as well. "Well look what the ugly slut dropped in" Sophia said to me. "Oi why don't you mind your business and look where you are going" Olivia said to Sophia rudley. Sophia looked down to me and snickered and laughed "Well hello" she said walking to Riker. Riker looked up at her and smiled at her "Hey" he replied to her. "Here's my phone number hottie" she said to him. Riker took the paper and put it in his jean pocket.  Ella and Jessica followed her away and I grabbed Rocky's hand and he pulled me up. Olivia grabbed my bag and passed it to me. I looked at her and smiled "Thanks liv". 

Rydel looked at me and smiled "So who was that?" she asked me. I turned around to her and gave the bitch a glare even though she wasn't there anymore I looked at her "Well that Sophia. Liv and I call her the popular one around here cause she has her two best friends always behind her called Ella and Jessica. Anyway she also my worst enemy and I hate her." I explained to the lynch's. "Oh my poor princess" Rocky said to me comforting me. Ryland looked at Liv and smiled at her kiss on the cheek. We got to the office and the lynch's and Ellington got there time table. The bell went off and Rocky gave me a kiss on the cheek, Ryland did the same to Liv and so did Ellington to Rydel. "Do you know where to go guys?" I asked them all "Yes Saf" They said to me and headed to their first class's. Liv, Riker and  had P.E. which Liv and I hated and I hated even more cause my snobby ex boyfriend was going to make fun of me now. 

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