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TESSA POUNDED ON the door to Sebastian's apartment, dripping in rain water and out of breath. Her hair was plastered to her face and neck and her clothes clung to her body. She leaned heavily against the door frame when she heard the lock click and the door opened.

Sebastian stood in front of her in a white tee-shirt and red plaid pajama pants. "Tess?"

She looked at her best friend. His eyes looked dull and his hair was tousled in a fashion that made it look like he just woke up. There were wrinkle lines across his face and he looked tired of life.

"Tessa? What are you doing here?" He sounded tired and he rubbed at his eyes.

"Seb, I need to talk to you," She said.

He looked at her with a strange look and he opened up the door wider. "Wanna come in?" She stepped pass him and he went and got her a towel. The air had changed between them. It became suffocating and awkward. Tessa got hot and her skin crawled as he brushed past her.

"Seb, I wanted to talk to about the whole Kyle thing-" she began as she rubbed her head with the dark blue towel.

"Tessa, I really don't want to be having this talk-"

"What? Too bad, we are having this talk! Kyle is out of my life, Seb, he doesn't mean anything to me. I ended it with him. It's over and it's only you and I. Seb-"

"Tessa!" Sebastian snapped. "I don't want to talk about it!"

She stopped shocked. He had never yelled at her before.

Seb sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Did you see what came out recently?"

"What, no...?"

Seb pulled out his phone and tapped his way to an article page. He handed it to Tessa and fell back into the couch.

She glanced nervously at the screen. Her heart shuddered to a stop.



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"Oh my god no-"

"Keep reading,"

Some guess that Kyles new love interest is his ex Tessa Wilde. It seems that she forgave Kyle, and Tessa and Sebastian Stan are no longer together. Watch out #Wildestan here comes #Mallowilde

"Seb, this isn't me... I would never do this to you! Seb, I love you," her voiced cracked at the end. She reached out and lightly touched his shoulder. He jerked back like her touch was poison. It was a knife into her heart. "Seb?-"

"Tessa, why would they write this if nothing happened between you two?" Sebastian's voice was like acid.

"I don't know, Seb, it doesn't mean anything! Its not even me! Seb, you gotta listen to me, I would never cheat on you! This isn't me!" Tessa was desperate at this point and she could feel the hysteria rising in her chest.

"Tessa!" Sebastian whirled on her. She jumped back and her back hit the table. She winced in pain as Sebastian angrily glared at her. "I trusted you! Why would the press publicize this if this wasn't true?"

"You know that's what the press does! Seb, I would never treat you like that! I am done with that slime bag! You have to believe me! Have I ever lied to you?"

"Tessa, I need a break." he said quietly. The anger was gone from his voice and it was replaced with disappointment.

"Fine, then, let's go get coffee or something and be civilized people-"

"No, Tessa, I mean, like break up."

Tessa froze and a ball of dread grew in her stomach. "What?" She couldn't breathe.

"This is just too much for me at the moment."

"Too much? Are you serious!"

"Tessa, I need space!"

"Space!? From what! The press? Seb, when you decided to become an actor you signed up for all this shit! But you are really gonna sit there and tell me that they could slightly be telling the truth!? How long have you known me, Sebastian? 20 fucking years."


"No, no, no, I guess the last five months of us being together didn't matter?" She backed up slowly, tears sliding and mingling with the rain still lingering on her face. This was Kyle all over again. And now this bastard was the cause of the ending of the greatest thing that has ever happened to her.

Sebastian paused, he tilted his head to the side. "What, no? Tessa-"

"Sebastian, this has shown me how much I've meant to you. You won't even believe me. You take the presses fucking word over mine." She growled, fresh tears rising to her dull amber eyes. "You know what, Seb? You've shown me my worth, have a good life."

Casting a glance that spoke a thousand words towards Sebastian, she turned and opened the front door and left.



*quietly sobs in the corner*


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