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Tessa laid on Sebastian's bed in one of his huge hoodies and a pair of his boxers. Her hair was loose around her shoulders and her face free of make up. She flipped through Netflix looking for season six of That 70's Show. They had been going on friend dates for the past two weeks and even though Sebastian respected her limits and not doing anything more, Tessa couldn't help but develop feelings for him. She was keeping it a secret for now but Lizzie already knew and told Anthony who told Sebastian but he didn't bring it up once. She was grateful for it.

Sebastian was in the kitchen grabbing a snack for the both of them for their season marathon of That 70's Show. He wore a white tee shirt and shorts and his hair was tousled in its usual glory. He didn't really care that Tessa hadn't signaled to take their relationship to the next level he just wanted to spend time with her.

She made him happy.

Sebastian swung open the door and struck a pose, equally dramatic as stupid. He produced a case of beer, a bag our sour gummy worms and three bags of Doritos from under his shirt and wiggled his eyebrows at Tessa who laughed and patted the bed next to her.

"You look super deranged,"

"That's me," he said, "Deranged Seb!" He made a face and Tessa laughed harder as he set everything on the side table before climbing in beside her.

He looked at what she was wearing. "What is with you and my clothes!?" He asked pulling at her, well his shirt. She rolled her eyes, "Its my job to wear all your stuff,"

He handed Tessa one of the beers and opened one of the bags of chips as she clicked on episode 1 of season four.

"Ready?" Sebastian smirked finger on the light switch.

He flicked off the light and Tessa pressed play.


It was episode eight of season six when Tessa's head drooped and rested lightly against Seb's. Her breathing slowed as she fell asleep. Sebastian smiled and pulled the blanket up over Tessa's shoulders. She snuggled into his side, her head against his chest. He ran his fingers through her grapefruit smelling hair and she sighed happily in her sleep.

Sebastian wanted to wake her and just tell her how he really felt about her. How happy she made him, how crazy he was for her, how he wanted to be with her every single day. But that would mess up what they had and what they had was rare and like magic.

He turned the volume down and continued watching. Tessa shifted in her sleep and was splayed across his chest, her legs entangled with his. Sebastian gently slipped an arm around her waist and played with her hair with the other as he neared the end of season six.

Tessa stirred when as he was surfing Netflix for movies. She groaned softly and rubbed at her eyes before looking up at Sebastian with a sleepy gaze.

He smiled at her. "Hey,"

She glanced at their position as she brushed her hair away from face. "Did we do anything...?"

He laughed, "No. You rolled on top of me while you were sleeping."

"Why not wake me up and tell me?"

Seb caught his bottom lip in his teeth. "You were keeping me warm."

Tessa blushed before looking down sheepishly. "Glad I could be of assistance," She stifled a yawn. "How long was I asleep?"

"From season four to six."

She was wide awake now. Tessa gasped, "You watched season six without me?"

"Well, technically you were here-"

"I mean without me conscious!?"

"Well, um, I'm sorry," he pouted and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Sea Bass, Sea Bass, Sea Bass what am I going to do with you?" [a/n: well....😅😏😉] He shrugged and she sat up, bracing her hands against his chest. She gazed at him with a slight interest before leaning down and kissing his cheek.

Her lips were soft and partially wet against his slight stubble. Tessa pulled away slowly, her hair creating a curtain around them. It was only them that mattered at the moment.

"What was that for?" He whispered. She traced the outline of his jaw, his chin, his eyes before answering.

"For being you," she replied back softly.

"If I get a reward like that for being me, I'll do it more often," he joked. Tessa smirked and traced the outline of his lips. Sebastian's breath quickened at the touch of her fingers. He caught her hand and kissed her palm.

A frown formed on her face and she closed her eyes for a moment before reopening them. "Sebastian-" she started to say but he sighed. "Sorry, I shouldn't have,"

Tessa rolled her eyes before taking his hand and kissing his palm. "It's okay," she whispered so softly, he almost didn't hear her.

She gazed at him for another moment before turning to climb off his hips but Sebastian caught her thigh. She froze at his touch before he realized what he had done. His hand was just under her bum and her skin was warm under is fingers. Tessa's lips parted and she drew in a shaky breath.

He recoiled, holding his hands up in surrender. He swore under his breath as Tessa leaped from the bed and ran a hand through her hair. "Shit, Seb,"

He quickly climbed off the bed. "I'm sorry, Tessa, I didn't mean to do that-"

She faced him and forced a smile. "Its okay, it's okay. We can do this right? we can be friends without sexual interaction, right!"

Sebastian paced the floor. "Exactly! We are strong, we are just friends, that all." He looked at her as she placed her hands behind her head. Her sweater lifted up exposing her soft flesh underneath, he wanted to reach out and touch- no. He was strong. His hormones were not going to win this fight, even though he desperately wanted them to.

Sebastian bit his bottom lip and moaned in frustration. He pulled his shirt up to his face as Tessa turned and caught sight of his figure. Her knees weakened and she mentally slapped herself. Sebastian was beautiful, she couldn't lie about that, he was funny, kind, sensitive, protective and he cared a lot about her. But all she could see was her best friend since high school.

Sebastian turned and caught Tessa's eyes. Time seemed to slow as she stared at him with her honey colored irises. He was amazingly lucky to have her in the first place but he wanted her and even with her denying it over and over, she wanted him too.

She blinked and the moment passed. Tessa tilted her head at him and Sebastian ran a hand through his hair as they both said "fuck it," He slid his hands under her and kissed her hard. Tessa wrapped her legs around him and tangled her fingers in his hair as they fell back on the bed in a tangle of sheets and limbs.

HISTORY. (S.STAN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now