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2 years later.....
Becketts POV

I woke up to the sound of a cry. I rubbed my eyes from the sleepiness then got out of bed and went to the nearby crib.
"Hey there little buddy, mamas here." I said while holding my son close to me.
"How about i go get my little man his bottle." I carried my son to the kitchen and placed him in his high chair and started on his bottle.
As I pulled it off the warmer I heard foot steps coming down the stairs.
"Hey Kate, how's my little brother doing today!" Alexis asked as she picked him up from his high chair.
"He's doing ok, he just woke me up because he was hungry, do you wanna feed him?" I asked. She nodded and handed her the bottle.
"How are you doing though?" She asked. I sighed and sat down on a bar stool.
"Well, other than my scars hurting every now and then, I'm fine." I said while pulling up my sleeve and looking at my scars.
"Today must be hard for you though, it's the 2 year anniversary of...." she stopped and wiped away a tear that was threatening to fall. I went over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey it's ok to let it out, trust me it's hard for me too. I miss him every day." I then took her in a tight hug but was carful since she was holding my baby.
"I'm just glad I didn't lose you, with gram dyeing last year I don't know what I would of done if you died." I pulled away to wipe away Alexis's tears.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere ok. Demming and josh are behind bars for good, and my depression went away the moment I laid my eyes on little Aden here." She nodded her head then handed me Aden.
"Well I'm going to go or I'm going to be late for work." She said while picking up her keys.
" tell Javi and Ryan I said hi." I said as she shut the front door.
I finished feeding Aden his bottle then started bouncing him on my hip.

A lot had happened the last two years. When I shot my self in the chest I blacked out but thankfully javi and Ryan were there screaming for me to stop, so I was at the hospital within minutes. It was a close call, I almost lost Aden and I went into a coma for 2 months. The worst part was waking up and knowing I would never see rick again and it was unbearable for a while. I was cutting again, I would only eat when Alexis or Martha forced me to. But finally when I gave birth to Aden I realized I had something to live for. But sadly a month after Aden being born Martha died from a heart attack. It took a while to get Alexis back up on her feet but eventually she finished college and got a job at the 12th as a public attorney. But unfortunately after I shot my self in the chest I had to have surgery agin and this time I was told I couldn't come back to work at the 12th. I understood since I had been shot twice and all the toucher I had gone through, I mean I still have PTSD from the toucher. But at least that meant I could spend all my time with my little boy.

Every time I looked at Aden I would think of castle. He had his mesmerizing blue eyes and his facial features and my hair.
"You know Aden, your father is watching over us right now and keeping us safe, he would of loved you so, so much. He would of spoiled you, and got you your own laser tag gear. But I know he did what he did to protect us." I kissed his head then walked back to the bed room and put him in his crib. I then picked up 'heat wave' and opened it to the dedication.

"To an extraordinary KB and all my friends at the 12th"

I ran my fingers over the text and sighed.
"I think it's time for a little story and nap, don't you buddy."
I had been reading Aden his fathers books since about 3 months after I brought him home. I had finished the derrick storm series last week and before that I had finished his other books, but now I was going to start reading him the Nikki heat books. I knew it was going to be hard when I got to Nikki heat, but this way Aden would have some piece of his father.


Well guys, it's finally over!!

I have to admit I started to tear up while re reading this!😢

Thank you to all that have stuck through with me till the end, I know my updates were like once every 3 months there for a while and I'm sorry. I guess after what I heard about how Nathan treated stana on set I had no inspiration. I know this was a caskett fan fic, but every time I would go to write it I would think about him screaming at her.

That being said, for those of you who are reading 'because of my decision' and 'Always', I promise I am going to finish them. But when I finish them I will most likely not write a caskett fanfic again. But if you haven't already please go check those 2 out!!!

And I have started a new fanfic called 'habits' witch is a colifer fan fic (the actors who play Emma swan and Captain Hook on Once upon a time) and I would really appreciate it if you guys would go check it out!!

Again thanks for reading!!!

Love u guys!!

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