Chapter 12 Tortured

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When I finally came to I was in a dark room. It was really hot and I felt dizzy.

"What happened?" I wondered out loud. The last thing I remember was being at the hospital. I tried to move my hands but they were bound by rope. When I tried to slip them through, the rope scraped my hands! Oh dang it now I'm bleeding!
I looked over to my side and noticed that there was a table full of knifes and hospital equipment. I shook around a bit and that's when I noticed the metal table I was on had wheels. I tried to move the table in the direction of the table with knives but it was no use. I let out a sigh then saw someone step out of the shadows.
"Long time Beckett."
Again I didn't recognize the voice.
"I've been waiting for this day, the day I could hurt the woman who hurt me."
He went over to the table and picked up a scalpel and moved over to me.
"Lets see what your other ex did earlier."
He took the scalpel and cut right down my shirt then took it off me and threw it to the floor. He then moved onto my bra and unclipped the front and threw it on to the floor.
I shivered at his touch when he ran the back of his hand against my breast. All I could think about was they better not harm my baby. My thoughts stopped and I screamed when a sharp blade came in contact with my right breast. I cried out in pain as he moved to the other. I could tell I was bleeding bad, but all I was focused on was the pain. He went back to the table for a minute to grab something else.
" you know Kate, non of this would of happened if you just didn't play with people's feelings. Let's see theirs me, josh, that guy in the FBI and that billionaire, to think we were all so pathetic that we actually thought you liked us." He laughed then looked in my eyes, and that's when I recognized the cop from robbery.
"You could of just told your writer monkey the truth and spared our feelings but you had to hurt us all." He held up a hammer then looked at me. "You deserve this."
I woke up a few hours later acing all over. I looked at my bare chest and saw it was black and purple. I tried to move my legs but that's the thing.
I couldn't move them.
I noticed that the rope that was keeping me there earlier was gone. I lifted my upper body up and looked down at my legs. They were red from dried blood and black and purple from bruises. I  was almost completely naked except for my panties. I then remembered what happened before I blacked out a few hours ago. My ex boyfriend tom demming was hitting my legs with a Hammer witch explains why I can't walk. I tried to move both my legs and thankfully they could move.
I moved my legs off the table and stood up. I started walking towards the door. My legs were killing me with pain but I didn't care, if I don't get out of here I will most likely lose the baby. I turned the nob on the door and thankfully it was unlocked. I looked both ways to make sure no one would catch me then ran straight ahead. I looked to my left while running and saw a cellphone on the floor. I stopped running for a minute then picked it up and dialed castles number then started speed walking.
"Hello, who is this?"
His voice was angry and tired.
"Castle is me, he kidnapped me and him and demming have been tourchering me." I tried to keep quiet but it was difficult.
"Ow my god Kate is that really you? Are you hurt? Where are you?"

"Yes it's me Rick, and I don't know where I am, only that it looks like an abandoned where house, and I'm ok." I lied, but only because I didn't want him panicking more than he already is.

"Don't worry, expo is tracking the number now."

All of a sudden someone grabbed me from behind and inserted a needle in my neck.

"You really think it would be that easy." Tom said into my ear.

"You will Never get away from us!"


Ok before you guys start cussing me out, I AM SORRY FIR NOT UPDATING SINCE FEBRUARY!!!

It's just I've had a lot of stuff going on and I just can't think of ideas for this fic.

Now it might be a couple months before I updated again because I'm going on vacation. BUT if you guys can get this to 20 likes and 10 comments I WILL update within a week, so that's your challenge.

Now just let me rant for a minute....
So if you didn't know, castle ended after 8 seasons on Monday 😭😭😭😭😭 and I am a freaking emotional wreck because of it!! I don't get to see my mom and dad anymore on Monday nights 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but us fans are going to try and keep castle Monday alive.

Well I better go.

Check out my other fanfics and,

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