Philip, What The Hell? (lams family)

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Philip was known to create Mischief at his school. Sure, he was a good kid. A straight A student actually, but he would get in trouble a lot. Both Alexander and John knew this very very well. One day Philip got into an argument and, let's just say, there was a food hurricane five minutes later. Once the principal figured out who started it, she promptly called John and Alexander. Alexander was sitting in the office, his face, showing no amusement... But deep inside he found it a bit funny...

John walked in. "Who is it?" He asked.

"Philip did something again."

"Oh lord..." he stood beside him.

"Mr. Hamilton, do you have any idea how dirty our cafeteria is? There is not a spot that doesn't have food on it, the same goes for the students." Mrs. Robinson said.

"Mmm.... Okay we'll have a chat with him."

"I expect you to. I am also sending him home with a form for in school suspension."


"Thank you for your time, Mr. Hamilton." She said and hung up. John looked at Alexander.

"Let's go pick up Philip." Alexander said.

"Alright. What did he do this time?"

"Started a food fight. He has suspension now."

"Oh my God...Philip..." John rolled his eyes. "Okay let's go."

He opened the door and walked out. "This is gonna be great."

"I can't wait to hear his excuse." He walked out the door and shut it behind him.

"Me neither."

Once they got into the school Philip and a few lunch ladies were cleaning the large cafeteria. Alexander walked into the cafeteria and stood there with his arms crossed, John did too. Philip looked over at them then quickly back at the spot he was cleaning.

"Philip Hamilton."

He still didn't look at his parents. John looked at him very unamused. "Don't you dare think you can ignore us, young man."

"Get over here." Alexander said, sternly. Philip put down the cloth. He bit the inside of his cheek and sauntered over to them, his eyes avoiding them.

"Suspension...? Really?" Alexander said. "And this? Why?"

"I...umm..." Philip was looking around, trying to avoid having to look at them.

"Philip Hamilton. Look at your father." John said sternly.

He looked at Alexander, trying to not make eye contact. "I...kinda got mad at Eacker..."



"So you just decided to sling food at him?!"

"I...I didn't...mean too..."

"Then can you explain this? I don't see how this is an accident, Philip."

Philip stood there for a second, silent. Alexander tapped his foot impatiently. He wanted an answer from his son. Even if Alexander found it amusing, it was still unacceptable. Philip hesitated to answer his father. "Well, I-I uhm... he was being an ass..."

"You still don't just randomly throw food at him." John stated.

"I didn't randomly...I uhm...took a handful o-of food and just..." Philip made a throwing motion. "then he threw it back and soon enough...the whole Cafeteria was a battle ground..."


"We will talk more about this at home. don't think that you are getting away with this."


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