Chapter 3.

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                    Dusk was falling in the horizon as dark blue and black raced against the orange and red dyes. I glanced around a saw a bunch of lights down the street, and bunches of people walking down the side walks. As if my feet had a mind of there own, I jumped off of the swing and started heading that direction. While I was parading down the sidewalk,I pulled my hood over my messy bun. and sunk my hands deep into my pockets

.The sounds grew louder and louder the moreI approached. As I crossed the last street,I came to the excitement. A band played on a stage in the middle of a park, Couples danced around the grass, Children ran around laughing and smiling, Tents boarded the park with food. (Here I go with the food again..) Amazement struck me, " How can everyone be so happy when their stuck in the middle of no where?"

I brushed off my question as my eyes targeted a tall, dark hair boy. By looking at him I could tell he had this soft spot, Yet at the same time he looked hard and stiff as a rock. His arms were muscular, and you could defiantly tell he played football, or baseball. Whats the Difference right? In a way my eyes wanted to linger off of him, but they wouldn't leave. Noise around me fell silent, and it was like I was the only one there.

Then, like a record screeching to a halt at a busted party, I reminded my self what the hell I was doing. 'Lauren!' I thought in that empty head of mine. 'This place is supposed to be HELL remember?' I thrashed on a more displeased look, and walked over to a crowd of people. I sunk in my clothes wanting to be invisible.

Standing there, soullessly, I magically looked up. Stars brightened the entire sky. It looked like some splatted white primer all over a black surface. I've never seen anything more beautiful, ever, Never as many stars.

I'm not sure how long I was standing there for, like a cretin. But reluctantly, I fell out of my thoughts. It was pretty dark already, and starting back 'home'. Seemed like the best idea. Yet, Staying here made me much more comfortable. Well, comparing it to the rat hole my dad called a 'livable environment'. But.. I did have at least a 10 miles walk. Fighting back and forth in my head made me feel like a loon. I ended up deciding on trudging my way back. Discouragingly, my feet spun around, bringing me farther and farther from the warm environment. 

Getting to almost the edge of town, the street lights ended. All that was in front of me was complete darkness. Believe me, i'm not scared of the dark.. but rapists hide out during times like this. While i was frightening my self to death, head lights casted my shadow in front of me, slowing down. I threw up my hood and began walking faster.

Regret from leaving safety of people rushed through me. Although it was dark, i could still make out an old pick up truck. (why does everyone have those here!)  They pulled up next to me, and i was waiting for my end. Bewilderly, It wasn't someone creepy, nor someone you'd suspect of kidnapping. In the darkness of the night, blue eyes hooked mine and awkwardly my body got warm. My feet stood gripping the gravel. " Uh.. Do you need a ride?" Said the shadowed figure, while running his fingers through his hair. " Well.. honestly." I said walking towards the viechle. " I don't even know where i'm going.." As i arrived at his window, I immediately noticed his black spiked hair and a flash back of the stars sped through my head. If it was a cue we both smiled. Not just a friendly smile, but a full tooth excitement expression. "I'm Kade"

The Un-perfected Story Of Lauren NollieWhere stories live. Discover now