Chapter 1

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So ummm.. i'm not sure what to say here but i'm going to try and write a little something (: I might not update every week, i'm a pretty busy person, but i promise to upload every chance i get.(:



      "I'm going to miss you so much Lauren!" My mom said with tear forming in her eyes. She hugged me while I stood there like a twig. We pulled apart, and she got in green, 2008, ford expodition. I turned around to see my dad puting the last of luggage into the back of his old (rusting) Pick-up. He got into the driverside and slammed the car door. The truck rocked a little, I walked around the passenger side and got in. After awhile on the road my dad spoke up. "I missed you Loui." He said messing up my hair a little. I;m not sure why people call me Loui.. it just sorta stuck. "You too dad." I mumbled with half a smile. I'm about to go into my freshman year of high school and my mom thought it was a good idea for me to see my dad after six years. I guess you could describe me as shy, but I can be very outgoing if i chose to be.

The car ride had sort of an uncomfortable slience, So I looked down at my phone to see if I Had any text messages. Nope, nada, not a one. I'm also not a very popular person either. I'm one of those people who aren't rich or pretty enough to be considerded  in the popular crowd. Yet, not smart or nerdish enough to be with them either. Pretty much stuck in the middle. While we were traveling down the country roads all i could see were trees. Which is quite a difference from living in a city.

We pulled into a gravel drive way greeted by five huge dogs, to see a little brown house sitting on the top of a hill, a newer looking shed, and a falling down barn. You really couldn't say my dad was a farmer, we never grew anything. We just had the occasional horses and a few chickens. ( That i'm terrified of) When i snapped back to my thoughts I relized we were parked and my dad was walking up the hill towards the house. Opening the door sorta slow the five dogs barked at me, making me jump each time they barked. I pushed my way through them and unloaded my four suitcases out of the back. I stood there looking around. I closed my eyes. This summer is going to be hell..


So, What did you think? I need 1 vote and 2 comments before i upload again. Hope you enjoyed it. Also, i need a cover and let me know if you don't understand, or Want me to change something (: Thanks for reading <3


P.s Unedited :P.

P.s.s. Upload Wednesday Hopefully(:

The Un-perfected Story Of Lauren NollieWhere stories live. Discover now