Chapter 2.

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    I started my way up toward the hill trudging my bags behind me. I opened the squeaky front door and was slapped in the face with the smell of after shave. I walked up the creaky steps to myroom. It was the same as I remember it, light pink walls, flower printed bed sheets, and all my old toys lined up against the wall. With being away for so long almost made me forget about it here. I blew the dust off of my old white dresser and set my iPhone on top of it. It blasted Innocent by Taylor Swift. A small sigh escaped my lips as i sat down on my edge of my bed. I started to unpack my suit case into the dresser. when I was finished I jogged down the stairs to see my dad making dinner.

"Grilled cheese?" I asked.

"I don't know how to cook much." He said sheepish

" Guess i'll be the one cooking around here too." I said walking away so he wouldn't quite hear me.

I Snatched my gray zip-up hoodie off it's hook and basically ran out the door. The screen door slammed behind me and it was almost like it was a signal i could go.  Shoving my hands in my pockets i found my i-pod. Jojo's "Too Little Too Late" Blasted in my ears. My feet picked up and i ran. Heart beats racing i pushed my self. "Keep going" I told myself. I sprinted down the empty road. Breaths from my mouth were turning to steam. My eyes couldn't have been taken off what was in front of me. I was determined to get out of where ever it was here.

The sun in the sky was making its way downward when i made it into a small town. People were walking up and down the sidewalks smiling and laughing. Compared to how sweaty and upset i looked i was almost embarrassed. I took out my ear buds and hung them around my shoulders. A white banner with red lettering read "Welcome to Solon Springs"  Sweet smells of brats made my stomach rumble. I walked up to an old couple selling hamburgers and brats at a little cart stand. Reaching in my pocket i pulled out $5. " I'll take a brat" My quiet voice said. The old woman smiled and handed it to me. I turned around and started walking to Swings at the playground across the street. I tore open the wraper and immediately scarfed down my brat, ignoring the burning of it on my stomach.


Ahh I can't wait an longer!! Chap. 3 out soon ((:

unedited Btw.

I need 4 comments Before i update next (:

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