how to be cool

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Hey guys Josh here and I'm gonna teach you how to be cool!

Step 1. Always act like you know everything!
I know everything (well almost everything) and when you act like you know everything you are considered cool. For example :

Nick : Hey Josh

Josh : what?

Nick : do you know what star wars is?

Josh : uh....yeah

Nick : are you lying?

Josh : um uh no of course not. Got to go bye!

*runs away*

Step 2. Wear sunglasses.
Everybody will think your cool if you wear sunglasses. Trust me.
Example :

DJ : Josh

Josh : yeah

DJ : you look cool in those sunglasses

Josh : Thanks

*walks away very sassy*

And the last tip is.....

Step 3. Use cool slang.
Trust me, everyone will think your cool.
Example :

Josh : sup Dog

Nick : what?

Josh : what up homie?

DJ : what the what?

Josh : yo

Rori : this song will never be on the radio

Josh : gosh dang it Rori you ruined it!

*walks out of room disappointed*

Well, that is how to be cool! See you next time bye!

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