a short story : I was kidnapped and almost killed : part 1

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Hey, before I start this page I want to say this chapter contains : kidnapping, harm, and Blood, 10+ please
Thank you......

Hey, it's Josh and here is a short story where I tell you the time I was kidnapped. I hope you like it and see you at the end of this page.

So it all started when I was at a restaurant, I finished my dinner
And walked home. it was really late at night. Like around
11:30 PM. So I was walking home and suddenly I saw a black car with tinted windows, as I walked past the car a paw came out and grabbed me! I tried to run away but I couldn't, and before I knew it I was in the back seat of the car, my mouth was taped shut, and my legs and paws were tied up. Also my eyes where blindfolded so that made things worse. It felt like the car was spinning around and around, and then it came to a stop. I felt someone carrying me, and I heard the front door open. This person steeped inside
And Locked all the windows and the front and back door.
The person went through another door, and I heard the door close. I was scared out of my mind, this person layed me down on a bed. The person didn't untie me or remove the tape from my mouth or remove my blindfolde. But I felt someone hold my paw
And then the person removed the blindfolde, I was too scared to look. The person sat me up."JAKE!" I tried to say with the tape on my mouth. He had a knife in his paw. "HELP HELP ME!!!" I cried with the tape on my mouth. Tears where streaming down my face and I was yelling for help but no one could hear me. "No one can hear you, or see you. Why waste time yelling for help when no one can hear you" at this point I was struggling to get out of the rope, I was sobbing and screaming at the top of my lungs through the tape. Then I fell off the bed, but jake layed me down on the bed again and put the knife to my chest "I'll kill you now if you think about escaping" he said in a serious voice. I started crying even more. I really don't cry that much but if there is something scary and life threatening to me I'll cry my eyes out. I closed my eyes while tears where streaming down my face, I was hyperventilating and rolling around on the bed. Jake had left the room for some reason and I didn't know what to do. There was no phone no windows no everything there was only the bed I was laying on. Jake had come back into the room, he had a hammer.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT!" I screamed through the tape. Then he slammed the hammer into my head knocking me out. Later at like 12:00 midnight, I woke up, my head hurt a lot and there was blood all over a pillow, I started hyperventilating
And crying (like I did a lot that day) oh, and didn't I mention that he had a chainsaw, a gun, and a sword hanging on the wall.
I was so scared out of my mind. "HELP, SAVE ME PLEASE HELP!!!"
I screeched crying and hyperventilating. I closed my eyes and turned over onto my stomach. I layed my face on the bloody pillow. Jake came in the room and turned me over. He grabbed a knife and cut my wrist, I screamed in pain. "AHHH HELP" I screamed. Then Jake cut my other wrist. "ARE YOU INSANE?"
I yelled at him. My blood was going all over the white bed sheets.
Jake was laughing. Then he cut one of my thighs. I saw so much blood that a fainted. I woke up 10 minutes later. Jake was still standing at the side of the bed. He again took his knife and cut
I said hyperventilating. Jake turned me over and lifted up my shirt and cut slits in my back. "JAKE! ARE YOU CRAZY! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" I cried through the tape. "Haha, oh Josh
You don't need to know anything" He said laughing. "YOU ARE
INSANE!" I screamed. He pulled down my pants and cut the back of my legs. "THATS THE MOST SENSITIVE PART OF MY BODY!"
I screeched "STOP IT HURTS" "it's supposed to josh" he said with a smile. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" "How did you know?"
He laughed. Jake took off my pants and cut more of the back of my leg "WHY, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" "I only took off your pants to cut you more. Nothing else" he said. Then He turned me over again and cut the front of my legs, I lost a lot of blood I felt like I was going to die. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST KILL ME ALL READY! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN PAIN MUCH LONGER" "no, I want your death to be slow and painful" Jake said with a smirk.
Jake stopped cutting me and grabbed the hammer and hit my head. "JAKE STOP DON'T DO -" I then was knocked out. Again I woke up at 1:00 am, I was under the covers of the bed, I opened my eyes and there I saw Jake "NO, PLEASE NO MORE!" I cried.
I started to cry like a baby. "Oh, poor little Josh. Crying like a baby" he said Taunting me, "I don't care....I just want my mom"
I said rolling over. "Oh you really are a baby, you want your mommy. And your a grown man haha"  again he said Taunting me. I closed my eyes and I said "if you want to kill me now is the time" I whispered. Jake then cut off the tip of my tail (he didn't just cut off hair he cut off some flesh) I screamed "YOU MONSTER"
"Haha I know I am" Jake laughed. I was screaming so much that I fainted.    Find out the rest of the story in part 2

Stay alive |-/

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