Part 29

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After almost half an hour, I gave up. I must admit, I didn’t dare open the many many doors in this mansion. I had looked in the few open rooms, but hadn’t found Charley. I still remembered the way to my room, because it was the second door to the right on the top of the stairs in the grand foyer. I had ended up downstairs in a very old and hardly used kitchen. There was an old charcoal oven and a stone sink. It did have a modern faucet, which seemed out of place. The only thing that looked used, was the modern microwave, stove and refrigerator. I looked in the fridge, but there was only a bottle of soda. I didn’t touch it and just closed the fridge, after that I went back to my room, not finding either host on my journey back. I looked on my phone and I realised I had roamed the house for almost an hour, it was really massive. I could have been on one side of the mansion and they could have been on the other, I decided to text Charley again.


Couldn’t find you

the place is huge!

Any blankets and

pillows would be nice.

Would I need to go

shop for that?

How long should I



I didn’t have to wait for long, he texted me back almost immediately.


You can stay as long 

as you need.

I’m in the room next

to you. You didn’t get

lost in the house?

Well done. I still

have some pillows

and blankets, sheets

too. Come by?


I could hit myself in the head, I should have known he wouldn’t have a room on the other side of the house. Next to my room, I couldn’t really believe it. I wondered on which side, I guessed the one towards the stairs. I walked outside, putting my phone in my pocket and knocked on the door. His soft voice came through the white wood and asked me in. I opened the door, his room had been repainted, he had curtains and a couch, the entire room was cluttered with clothing, video games and even some food remains.

‘You should really clean up before asking a lady in your room,’ I said, acting like I was a woman from long long ago.

‘My apologies, milady,’ he said, bowing his head.

I almost smiled, but remembered I was angry at him. He had short dark hair, which made his bright blue eyes just pop out. I hadn’t realised he looked quite buff, the past few times I had seen him. He must work out or do something to maintain those muscles. It didn’t really impress me, a lot of boys from my school were buff, they usually were macho and cocky too. Not such a great combo.

‘I’ll get you the pillows and stuff,’ he said. ‘Would you like to sit down?’

‘Ehm.. sure..’ I said and I sat down on his desk chair. ‘Ehm, I was in the kitchen just now and you don’t have much food.’

His cheeks seemed to flush a little.

‘We ehm.. We both can’t really cook, we figured we could take you out to eat tonight?’ he said.

‘Would you like me to cook a few days of the week, for ehm.. as compensation for me staying with you?’ I asked, studying my nails very carefully.

‘Oh, I forgot, you work in a restaurant!’ he said.

‘Yea, I could cook it and you’d only have to warm it in the microwave on the days I have to work,’ I said.

‘That would be great, we could do groceries together tomorrow!’

‘I do have school, my exams will start in may.’

‘I’m sorry, I forgot.. do you have to work tomorrow?’

‘No, Wednesday ‘till Saturday.’

Charley nodded, he got to his feet and took my wrist. I yanked my arm from his hand and he looked at me startled.

‘Did I hurt you?’ he asked.

‘No… just.. ehm.. please don’t touch me,’ I said.

I got to my feet and silently followed him to a closet where he had clean sheets and several pillows and blankets.

‘Thanks, I’ll take them,’ I said, taking them from him and hurry into my bedroom.

Just before seven o’clock, Alex came to my room. I had put the sheets on the bed and made my bed. After making my bed I had set up my computer and found that I needed a password for internet. I hadn’t wanted to bother either of my hosts, so I had opened a game of solitaire and was still playing the game when Alex knocked.

‘We’d like to take you for dinner, you can dress casual, it’s nothing fancy,’ he said through the door.

‘Thanks, I’ll be right down,’ I answered.

I shut down my computer and closed the lid. I checked my phone and pulled out my hair tie, which made my mahogany hair, hang loosely around my face. I left the tie around my wrist, so I could use it, when I wanted too. I took my wallet and phone with me, unsure what to expect. When I got downstairs they were both waiting at the door.

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