Chapter Three

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I hear a ping from my phone and I pick it up, reading the text.

It's from Nicholas.

' Hey Jen. I love you. I'm so sorry, please take me back :) 💘'

~End of recap~

" Every single time the wind blows, every single time the wind blows, I see it in your face."

Real - Joshifer

Chapter Three

I read the text over and over again, checking to make sure its really there. It is. Josh frowns at me, and looks over my shoulder. I immediately, before he can see anything, lock my phone and stuff it in my jean pocket.

" Jen," he says. " What was that?"

" Oh, nothing," I say. " Just, um- um, a Catching Fire meme."

He frowns. He doesn't believe me, he knows I'm lying. And I know he's going to keep going, till I spill the beans. " Come outside with me, Jen," he says, taking my hand, and dragging me out the door. He closes it.

" What's wr-" he starts, but another males voice cuts him off.

" Jennifer?" The British voice says. I look round, facing the person.


" Nic?" I say.

" Jennifer?" He asks." What are you doing with- with him?"

" Gee, you're lovely," Josh mutters.

" Shut up, mate," Nicholas says.

What happened to him? He used to be kind, caring. But something happened. That's why we broke up. He changed, he's different. And I don't like it.

" Nic-" I start, but he cuts me off, walking towards me.

" Jen, I'm so sorry. Take me back. I love you," we're face to face now.

" Nicholas, I can't. I'm happier now. I think you should leave." I say.

" Well, I'm not leaving till you take me back." He says.

" Woah, back off," Josh tells Nic. " Go inside, Jen. I'll deal with it."

I do. I run inside and sit back down on the couch. " What was that about?" Jena asks.

" Oh, nothing," I say.

" Where's Josh?" Elizabeth asks.

" Outside," I say. " Getting some air."

Just then, Josh comes back in, taking his leather jacket off. I dare to raise an eyebrow at him. Discreetly, he nods, and then sits beside me. I lie across the couch and rest my head on his lap, while he twirls my hair. He trails his fingers across my eyes, cheek bones, nose, lips.

We decide to watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1. We watch it all the way through, and by the time it's finished, it's only around ten. So we watch part two as well.

Afterwards, everyone gets up to leave, and it's just Josh, Liam and I. Liam gets up and says, " Week off starts tomorrow, what about a takeout?"

" Sure thing," I say.

" My place," he grins, then leaves, closing the door gently behind him.

I immediately turn to Josh. " What happened with Nicholas?" I ask.

" That guy is so douchey, I can't believe you ever dated him."

I pout. " You're a douche, and I'm dating you." I say.

He rolls his eyes. " Haha, you're so funny."

I smile. " I know,"

" Anyway, he left when I told him to 'fuck off'. It's that simple." He says.

I roll my eyes. " You didn't!" I say.

" I did," he says.

" Well, let's watch something," I say.

" Like what?" He asks.

" Uh, The Vampire Diaries?" I ask.

" That show is so shit," he says.

I glare at him. " It is not, and Ian Somerhalder is a sex god." I say.

He laughs sarcastically. " Yeah, okay then," he says.

I get up and put the Vampire Diaries season one disk in. " It's only because you haven't seen it from the start! Let's watch season one, then you'll see!"

- - - * * * - - -

I drive contently towards Liam's, bobbing my head to 'Unconditionally' by Katie Perry. Liam's house is about five minutes from here.

Josh is coming from an interview he has with Ellen Degeneres. He was so excited this morning. My interview is in a few days.

I pull into the car park, and nearly parallel park. I grab my bag and head out the car. As I walk towards Liam's house, I tie up my hair into a ponytail.

I knock on the door lightly, and he comes to the door with black trousers and no shirt on.

I can't help but stare. His muscles are huge, impossibly huge. He smirks and waves me in.

I walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa. He sits down and switches the T.V on.

" You know, filming the movies, it's like we've become a little family," Liam says.

" Yeah, it feels like you're my big brother!" I say.

" No," he frowns. " That's not what I mean."

" What then?" I ask.

" Like I love you," he blurts.

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