Chapter V : The secret

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"Adam whats the matter?" Lee asked me

I looked at him for a second, thought about it

"No nothing...its nothing c'mon lets go home, tomoro is our exsam final." I told him, however as i thought about what I had just said, I have'nt studied all week I was screwed, and it seems like Lee though the same thing.

"SHIT, I ain't studied at all ahh crap, what am I gonna do?" He hoplessly asked

"Uuhh study maby that i'll help...maby." I replyed sarcasticly, 

"uh yeah wattever dude, thanks for the help, see you tomoro." he said

"yeah....see you later."

when I did get home I looked at the 2 notes, slid them ito place; but what i read...

ut quicumque hanc legistis

haec est enim occultum, quod si fuerit generationibus iuris de quibus

nemo hodie novit remanserant, hoc modo berer nota eritqui scit inferior

 requiescit in urna

6, 21- 657, 22- 890, 111

ipse quid faceret ...

well I dont know what it means but I need to find out and I intend on finding out as soon as possable, I beleve its latin however it has numbers at the botom

What does it mean.... I need to know

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