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Author's Note: Hi everyone, just a few things...please don't skip. 1) This is my story and all rights are reserved. 2) I've had a lot going on for a while, but things are better and I'll update regularly. 3) Thanks to everyone who's been with me since 2011. 4) Picture of Liam on the side! 5) Please vote, comment, and give me feedback. I'd really appreciate it! Thanks (:

All rights reserved.

prologue: * I Will Love Your Heart With Mine *

            Her heart pounded in her chest so powerfully she wondered how in heaven’s sake he didn’t hear it.

            But she was glad. She was glad he couldn’t see the effect he had on her.

            “Leslie,” he whispered her name so softly, so-so… words couldn’t ever make up for what he did to her.

            He slowly slipped his hand into her own and she felt the tips of her fingers immediately start to excitedly tingle- in fact, she felt her whole body come alive and start thrumming with a new found energy.

            And she tried. Oh, how she tried to keep the smile from taking over her face, but she wasn’t strong enough and she felt the grin become so wide her cheeks hurt a little.

            “Liam.” She replied rather blandly betraying the emotions she felt lividly dance inside her.

            He chuckled and the deep, throaty, yet somehow airy sound sent a rather exciting shiver up her spine.

            As they walked silently, their fingers intertwined ever so softly, she realized just how stupid she must have looked. There she was, grinning like an idiot-with too big of a smile-and hopping up and down ever so slightly as she walked. But frankly, she couldn’t bring herself to care. No matter how hard she tried, and she did try, nothing could make the smile wipe off her face. Nothing could make her stand still. She couldn’t help it, at the moment; she had a surplus amount of energy coursing through every ligament of her body.


            That’s how he made her feel. He made her come to life. He made her smile and laugh and feel like running out in the rain and dancing as the water sparked and zapped with the electricity radiating off of her.

            And yet, he soothed her to no end. She felt safe around him; she felt like the whole world could slip away and she wouldn’t even realize it as long as he held onto her- even if it was with just by one of his fingernails.

            She had it bad. She had it way bad.

            “You know,” he chuckled lightly again and watched her with a rather amused expression, “it took an awfully long time to get here,” he paused again, thinking, “but I’m glad. I’m really, really glad.”

            She didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t sure what she could say. Her ability to speak had disappeared just as soon as he had smiled. He had an incredible, impossibly surreal smile.

            And it was true. It had taken months for it to get to this point.

            She wasn’t sure why. She couldn’t really explain why she didn’t want to listen to Liam at first.

            Maybe it was because at first, despite his devastatingly good looks, he hadn’t been her type. She had heard, and she was paraphrasing of course, that he was an egotistical twit, and she just couldn’t stand egotistical twits.

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