Mom I dont Want to Go

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"Sarah come here now.You can't be late for your first day of school."

"Mom I told you I don't want to go to that snobby prep school.Whatever it's called."

"You are going to that school today ,no objections, and it's called Greatness Prep"

"Okay mom I getting up"

I jumped out of bed and rushed on my uniform.I forgot to iron them.

Mama knew she should've went school supplies shopping two weeks ago,but no she wants to do it the night before the first day of school.

She knew that I had to wake up at four o clock in the morning.Yes, four in the morning to ride some transfer bus to school.

I ran into the bathroom to do my hair.Man it's a mess.I add a little lip gloss and head downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Sleeping Beauty has awoken.Who kissed you?Shrek?",says my brother Brian.I ignore him.

"Mom what did you want?",I ask.

"A kiss before you first day of school".

"See you after school",I yell.

I was out of there so fast .Maybe faster than Using Bolt. HeHe

I grab a banana and a granola bar and head outside to the bus stop.

I have a little ways to my bus stop.I look around to take in my new home.

We just moved here from California to Atlanta.I know right ,what was my mom thinking?Well she came here for a job.

I'm not complaining though.Its nice here.The sun is just peaking over some building .The dew still wet, trees everywhere, pretty modern houses.

I think I'm going to like it here.

At last my stop.

A shiny bus pulls up to the curb.I wonder how this school could afford that.

Sreeeeeeech .

I dont know where to sit at on the bus.

I look around ,this is a time where I need a best friend. But no Mama wanted me at this school and I had to leave my old best friend.

Please let their be a new best friend on the bus just waiting for me.

There's no friend in disguise ,just people paired off with their own best friends.

Why did momma have to put in this school? I shouldn't have been born so smart.

Im just a plain kid going to one of the smartest schools in the United States on scholarship.Who would want to be my friend ? You?

Yeah that's what I thought.So that's why my scholarship will stay a secret.

I'm just going to go to observe the first couple of days and find where I fit in.

What if someone finds out about my scholarship?

What if this?What if that?

I'm breaking into a cold sweat.

I head to the back of the bus and plop down.Here we go .

Will this day get any worse?

Maybe I should have took mama's kiss.

I am a beginning story writer in wattpad. I hope you like my stories.Dont forget to follow me and vote on my story .

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