Epilogue | A/N

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I was supposed to do this in the end but forgot.

By the way,


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But on a serious note thank you ;-;

Damn those invisible onion cutting ninjas. My eyes.

After the incident _________ felt at peace, although she did not remember all the things she did, she knew things were complete.

The man who ran over her was very apologetic, _______ was cool with it though as she was the one who ran into the road.

The man -Mr Belischmidt- was always smiling, he had nice crimson eyes and white hair, apparently he was driving with his friend -Mr Bonnefoy- who was drunk and started to misbehave which cause Mr Belischmidt to get into the accident.

"Do you ever feel like your missing something?" ________ asked her mother in a serious tone.

"If I'm missing something, it would have to be you. Sorry I couldn't be of help, I could only hold your hand." The mother replied looking away for a second with guilt.

"Ah! You shouldn't worry, sorry is just a word." ______ informed her mother with a smile.

"I remember you were a wild child when you were younger," the mother started with tears pricking the corner of her eye "you would always argue and justify yourself even when you were in the wrong. Your sister knew that and she would scold you about it until she passed. I was really afraid I would lose you too."

"Like hell!" _____ yelled with a boisterous tone "did I give up when I didn't do that maths homework? Of course not!

Did I give up when I read Ludwigs's diary? Hell no!

Did I give up when--"

"Isn't Ludwig that character from Hetreah or Hetaoni? Honestly you're so weird when you talk about these characters." My mother spoke as she sighed.

"Now way haha!" Mr Belischmidt yelled as he walked in "I have a little brother called Ludwig, he has a diary since I forced him to make one, it mostly so I can read it but there ain't anything interesting."

"Mr Belischmidt, you have a brother?" _____ asked in curiousity.

"Ja! He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a crease between his eyebrows since hes always frowning," Mr Belischmidt started "oh! Like this."

Mr Belischmidt made a funny face with his eyebrows pulled down "I'm the youngest but I look and act older! I always train and I'd totally like Feliciano."

A man walked in and whacked Mr Belischmidt in the head with his book.

"Ack! That hurts ya know!--" he turned around to the tall man "ah! Brother. Did you hear me?"

"I was asleep when Feliciano woke me up. He heard you and I came to give you a smack on the head since you mentioned a lot of untrue stuff." Mr Belischmidt brother -Ludwig- went inside as he spoke.

"Awh come on! All of that was true! So very true!"

"It doesn't mean anything."

"Hey! I'm still here." ______ said in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, this is Ludwig, my brother," he leaned closer to my ear and whispered "be careful he's got good hearing and he bites."

"I don't bite!" Ludwig informed me.

"You see! He can hear me everything! One of true watch the next one happen soon." Mr Belischmidt informed.

"Wait, you're older." _____ asked.

"Ja, You see Ludwig over there? He's my not-so-awesome little bruder who I raised all alone." ______ looked at Ludwig, then Mr Belischmidt, and Ludwig again.

"You're his older brother, and you raised him by yourself? Sure, that's like saying my mum over here is a 4000 year old guy who looks like a girl."

They all stopped before they bursted out laughing, excluding my mother.

"Wow! I feel a deja vu moment happening here. So weird." ________ said smiling a little.

"Reminds me of Yao, he is older than us yet he looks the youngest. He not manly at all, very girly looks. He went to the men's bathroom once and a girl stopped him before he could, saying: Girls go this way." Ludwig stated.

"Poor guy." I smiled, still getting the giggles out of my system.

"Well, we better get going but since we cause this we wish to check on her and make sure she's okay with your permission of course." The mother nodded as Mr Belischmidt rambled on "Ah! Also the medical bills, I have enough here and even more to say sorry."

He handed us a suitcase but my mum pushed it towards him before he could even open it.

"I wont accept it! This is England a country with free health care and all!"

"But to say sorry at least."

"Sorry is just a word," _______ smiled as she looked at Mr Belischmidt "but if your really sorry then you have to say: Your awesomeness. To me and only me."

"What?! No, please take the money I'll do anything but that."

"Nu uh uh! Say it!"

"You're evil."

"Haha! I can mak it worse and make you say: your intelligent, amazing and very awe---"

"You going to have to call me Gilburp then." Mr Belischmidt said.

"Wait, Gilburp? Hahaha, what kinda name is that?!"

Ludwig was silently dying with laughter after that mishap. Gilburp's face wad flushed red in utter embarrassment.

"I mean Gilbert. Call me Gilbert."

"Ok then Gilbert. Call me your awesomeness now!"

"Y-your awesomeness." He said with fake sadness showing as he clutched his shirt and violently shook his head.

"This is why you never mess with me, Gilburp."

"I'm going. I don't feel so bad now."

"Oh ok. If you don't visit then I'll claim Ludwig as my younger brother."

"What?! Nein I shall not accept this. He's older anyways."

"No. He shall be my younger brother because I said so.

"I don't even get a say." Ludwig muttered toward the mum as she smiled.

"Still. It's like they were friends in a different life of something.

"Ja. It does seem that way." A small smiled was etched onto both Ludwigs's and the mothers' face as they watched Gilbert and _____ argue.

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