Chapter Six | Greece

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3 Person P.O.V

The flight from Berlin to Greece was two hour and twenty-eight minutes, Ludwig had changed a small pocket watch one hour ahead. ______, Ludwig, Kiku and Feliciano was just getting off our flight.

"Auf wiedersehen, my friend!" Albert yelled as he waved at us his sister right behind him. The axis group and ______ walked off into many people from border control stopping them but then let them through a few seconds afterwards and finally, they arrived in the beautiful capital of Athens, they wouldn't tell me where we were going because we were supposed to meet up with someone named Hercules.

"Oh, Kon'nichiwa Kiku! I've been practicing my Japanese! Do you want to hear some?" Someone said as everyone turned around to see a man about the age of 27, he had brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a brown jacket with brown trousers and a white t-shirt. (I don't know if I pointed this out but he was surrounded by cats! Lots and lots of cats.)

"Ohayō Hercules-san," Kiku began as he bowed at Hercules "I don't think now is the appropriate time, but I would love to hear it some other day."

"Oh, ok. You called so suddenly to tell me that you're coming here, but you didn't tell me you would be bringing someone else." He look at Feliciano then Ludwig. He look down and saw ______. "Oh who is this?"

"This is _____-chan, she's in a situation. Didn't you see her in the meeting?"

"I was asleep in the meeting, and a situation?"

"Hai, didn't Arthur-san tell you?" Kiku asked.

"He only told me that it was an emergency, he didn't tell me about the girl."

"Oh, I haven't been informed much about the girl but Ludwig and Feliciano has."

"Ja, something about Counterparts." Ludwig mentioned.

"Come with me. It's not safe talking out here." Hercules muttered in a carefree tone as he took them somewhere, _____ didn't like the long walk but the sights were beautiful here and there. They had finally arrived to a ruins site Hercules claimed to be his second 'home'.

"So, what did Arthur tell you?" Hercules started.

"Counterparts, another world opposite to our own ones." Ludwig replied.

"How's the girl linked into this?" Hercules asked again.

"Ve~ Arthur believe that they are after her." Feliciano answered.

"You know this how?" Hercules questioned.

"Well, someone was apparently going through her memory. Arthur knew this because he was able to find a trace of magic on her."

"Does he know why they're after them? And why isn't Arthur here?"

"No, and he's with Vladmir who had another theory like yours."  Ludwig answered.

"Humph... Little girl, can you tell me about yourself?" ____ looked at Hercules and nodded.

"I'm ______ ________, I'm twen--- I mean six years old. I ran from my dad and my mum has disappeared, but she might be dead." ____ told him.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean by that?"

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