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Dear diary,

I am not feeling good this few days. It's been a week that I have missed work. I called in sick the very next day after my holiday.

When we reached home from the holidays, I could already feel nausea kicking in every now and then.

Mama made me take some sour candy but it just felt worse. All I wanted was chocolates. Danial got me some kitkats and it kind of work for a moment. Then it started again.

Been going in and out of the bathroom to vomit. And I'm just feeling weak.




"Assalamualaikum Raihan," Danial spoke into the phone as he glanced at Sofea who was laying in bed in a fetal position.

"Wa'alaikumsalam. How's Sofea? Any improvement?"

Danial sighed as he rubbed his eyes with his thumb and finger. "Not well. She is still under the weather. I don't think she will be going to work today."

"Ok. Look it's been a week already. Can I know what's wrong with her? Maybe I can explain the situation to my boss."

Danial smiled through the phone. "She's pregnant."

Danial could hear Raihan gasped on the other side. "Ya Allah! Alhamdulillah! Why didn't you tell earlier? My boss would understand."

"It's still early. I thought it's best not to tell everyone yet."

"I understand man. I'll let my boss know of the situation. Don't worry. I'll not leak this info to the other colleagues."

After he ended the call, Danial sat beside Sofea and placed a hand on her head. "Sofea?"

Sofea moved her head abit without saying anything.

"Do you want anything?"


"The doctor say you need to at least eat something. I'll get you bread with Nutella spread?"

Sofea nodded her head and went back to sleep.

Danial went down to the dining room where everyone else was having their breakfast. All eyes on him when he arrived and immediately their eyes searched for someone else.

"She still not up yet?" Aida asked, concern clearly on her face.

"She woke up to vomit. Then she fall back to sleep. I just call in her office to say she's not coming in today."

Hajah Saleha shook her head. "She need to eat. She will be weak if she does not get some food in her stomach."

"Yes. I'm getting her some food," Danial agreed as he took a couple of bread onto a plate.

Immediately Aida stopped him. "Let me do it. You have your breakfast first. You need to go to work afterall."

Danial accepted his mother-in-law's help while he settled in to have his breakfast. He was definitely hungry but he was worried for Sofea as well. Luckily Aida offered to help.

"I'll get this up to Sofea," Aida mentioned as she carried a plate and a glass of apple juice with her.

"Thanks Mama."

Once Aida walked away, Haji Samad cleared his throat. "Don't worry too much on Sofea. We're all here to help out. Just go to work as usual."

Danial nodded with a heavy heart. He was still concern over Sofea but he knew there was nothing he can do to make it better. The doctor said it's normal for women to go through this phase during the first trimester. It will soon go away. He hope it would be pretty soon.



As she watched Sofea sleep, she remembered when she was pregnant with Sofea. Her morning sickness was as bad as Sofea's. In fact she got admitted to the hospital several times due to dehydration.

So she insisted that Sofea eat and drink whenever she can. Since Sofea only wanted sweet food, she made banana pancakes with maple syrup. Other days she made waffles which Sofea ate with strawberries and chocolate sauce.

Sofea seemed to enjoy it. Even though she does not finish her meal, but she did eat a few bites. By the end of August, Sofea was getting much better. She was able to eat more than just pancakes and waffles. And she even started going to work.

Aida shut the door softly and walked towards her room. She bumped into Danial who has just gotten back from the mosque.

"Not asleep yet Mama?"

"Just checking on Sofea. She's fast asleep. Must be tired from work."

"Oh. Then I better not disturb her," Danial murmured and decided to turn away from his room. "I'll go and make some cup noodle."

Aida frowned. "Cup noodle? You hungry?"

"Well... I thought maybe Sofea can cook me some noodles. But since she's asleep... Cup noodle will be fine."

Aida smiled at her son-in-law as she shuffled his hair. "I'll cook you some noodles."

Danial grinned sheepishly as he followed Aida to the kitchen. He sat on a chair while Aida started cooking.

"How was work?" Aida asked, striking up a conversation.

"It was ok. There was not much cases recently. It's a good thing though. I don't have to worry about work for now."

"That's good. And you don't have to worry about Sofea either. She's getting better. She ate well now. She'll be going on her second trimester soon."

Danial nodded as he grinned. "Alhamdulillah. We'll be meeting the doctor next week. I hope everything goes well."

"InsyaAllah," Aida smiled as she reached for a bowl from the dishrack. "You must be very excited about it."

Danial grinned wider. "Of course. I was so happy when we found out about the pregnancy. But Sofea was not as excited as I was."

Aida raised her eyebrow at him. "She wasn't?"

Danial kept silence.

Aida came nearer to him and asked, "How about now? Is she excited now?"

Danial shrugged. "If she is excited, she doesn't show it."

Aida pursed her lips. She watched Danial's face filled with disappointment. "Give her some time."

She turned around and saw the boiling noodles. She turned the gas off and poured the contents into the bowl. Bringing it over to Danial, she smiled as Danial started drooling over the food.

"I thought I would never see a husband craved for something while the wife is pregnant. Yet here you are. My own son-in-law craved for noodles in the middle of the night," Aida chuckled, shaking her head as Danial flashed her a white set of teeth.

"Thank you!"

"Make sure you finish it up!"


A/N: And another update!! What do you think of this chapter?

Next up will be the doctor's appointment. We'll see if the baby's doing well.

In the meantime, do vote and comment!!

In God's Hand (Islam based) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now