A bond that can never be broken

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“Good morning” I heard a tired voice from behind me. I turned around to find my mother, holding an empty mug.

It was the next morning and I had gotten up early to get a quick run in before actually doing something important with my day…Like re watching old episodes of Teen Wolf.

MMMM Dylan O’brien.

“Hey” I said quietly taking a sip of water. She moved to the fridge and got out a pack of bagels and turned to me.

“Do you blame me?”

I stared at her confused.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you blame me, for the divorce” Mom busied herself with the bagel and I watched her with sad eyes.

“I don’t know” I said honestly. She nodded, “I mean, at first I did. I practically hated you”

“You wouldn’t be the first one to hate me” She said humorlessly.

“But then I realized that what he did to you was cowardly and disgusting. Regardless of the way you sometimes acted, you didn’t deserve that”

“Thank you” She sighed.

“Don’t. It’s the truth. I’m…disappointed in him…and frustrated and angry” I said to the ground, “I have this nagging feeling like I should hate him~”

“You shouldn’t” Mom said sharply looking up at me, “He was always a great father”

“How can you say that?” I asked confused.

“It’s the honest truth. He never hurt you kids”

“Yeah, he did. In the form of a donkey named Ashton” to my surprise, mom giggled.

“Donkey? Really? Of all the words you probably know, you chose that one”

“I might as well!” I laughed, “Ell-idiot told me that she had a massive overbite”

Mom clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud and stared at me.

“I’m so sorry” I almost choked on my laugh as I looked at my mother.

“The way I treated you…God, I’m just like my mother” Mom ground out.

“Mom, its okay” I said noticing her glassy eyes.

“No its not!” She shook her head, “I treated you like a business partner! I expected things of you that even I wasn’t capable of”

“Why?” I asked softly.

 “I don’t know…You were always my rock”

“Me?” I asked incredulous.

“Yes, you” She smiled slightly, “When you were eleven, your father and I went on a trip to Paris and left Elliot in charge for the weekend”

“I don’t remember that” I said slowly.

“You probably wouldn’t” She shook her head in a laugh, “Elliot ended up breaking my favorite lamp and you orchestrated a plan to raise enough money to buy a new one and replace it thinking your father and I wouldn’t notice. You also made every meal for your siblings and helped Elliot finish his science project”

I laughed loudly. Typical Elliot.

“Even at that young age you were always so incredible” she shook her head, “I guess I just started holding you to a different standard than I did your siblings”

“I’ve probably lost some points though, huh?”

“Absolutely not! If anything, you’ve gone up on the ladder” mom smiled at me, “Your nothing like me”

I stared at her blank.

“When I was your age, my mother was always down my throat about every little thing on earth. God, that lady was a nightmare”

“Grams is a tad uptight!” I murmured.

“She was always so strict and professional, like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders and it was her duty to make sure nothing ever went wrong”

“I guess…I started…I became her” Mom sighed, “You’re so strong, Trish”

Mom took a step towards me and closed the distance by cupping my cheek.

“When you stood up to me, it scared me. I didn’t know what to do” she smiled slightly, “But then I realized how blessed I was to have you do something I could’ve never done. Stand up to my mom”

“But it was rude” I said staring at her.

“No, it wasn’t. It was a wakeup call that I badly needed”

“Im so sorry baby” the moment the tear slid down her cheek I pulled her in tightly and found myself crying with her. I clung to my mom and sobbed as I finally realized what I had been waiting for all along. This. Despite the tears and snot, I felt a sense of happiness because I was finally meeting my mother, Rachel Teitweiller. Not the robots shell of her, the real her.




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