Steve Rogers • Pregnancy Series

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Finding Out:

After picking up some pregnancy tests—and taking them— you and your husband waited very impatiently for the timer to beep indicating that they were done. Steve and you had been trying to get pregnant for almost a year—and you would think that the serum would help with it— but it didn't. Instead, because you weren't a super-soldier, it caused his stronger DNA to completely overtake yours and not being able to.... ya know... do sciencey-pregnancy-stuff.

Whatever the cause, you weren't able to become pregnant, at least not easily, but you refused to give up trying. For both you and your husband.

As soon as the timer rang out, both you and Steve bolted into the bathroom and immediately flipped over the first test.

No matter how often Tony offered, or how much more accurate it was to have Jarvis to test you, you refused every time. Not because you didn't trust the world's smartest computer, just because you wanted to do it yourself. Find out for yourself and know first.

When you saw the familiar sight of one line— negative— your stomach dropped, just like it did every time. Though, when Steve reached out to flip the second test, and it came up positive, your hope was restored a little.

"Flip the last one together?" You asked, a little shakily albeit. He nodded and gently grasped your hand, leading it slowly but surely toward the final test, which more or less held your future.

The rest seemed to happen in slow motion. Grabbing the test, flipping it over, seeing the two lines. When you remember back, you thought you remembered squealing. Before finally burying your head into Steve's chest while he wrapped his arm around you.  

Telling Him:

See above!





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  James Logan Rogers  


- Sourdough Bread

- Dr. Pepper

- Applesauce

- McDonalds French Fries

- Donuts

- Honey

- Pizza

- Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

Funny Pregnancy Moment:

{7 months}

Steve was at work-- probably training some of the Avengers or something, you didn't know-- and you were reading a book, when you felt a sudden gush of water between your legs (Yes, I am awaRE of how awkward that sounds. Just roll with it please.) You had assumed that was your water breaking, which was an entirely normal part of going into labor. Except that your due date was still two months away. Before thinking, you jumped in your car and ripped out of the driveway, on your way to the hospital, you called Steve using the car phone to tell him that you're in labor.

Upon arriving at the hospital, the doctor examined you and said that you had... peed... on.. yourself. Which is, "totally normal for a seven-month pregnancy, and you did the right thing by coming in." Of course, right after the excellent doctor had broken the news and you were in the middle of laugh-crying out of relief and embarrassment, Steve burst in the door, sweating profusely and actually out of breath. Through fits of laughter, you told him, to which he chuckled lightly and shook his head.

"I should be getting... back to work..." He said awkwardly after the whole ordeal was over, you gave him a ride back to the facility and went about your day as if nothing happened.


Late. Your baby was now 10 days late, and you were trying everything to induce labor. Exercise, Off-Roading (Mental note to never let Tony drive you off-road again.), spicy food, acupressure, special tea, and even acupuncture.

And nothing was seeming to work. Until today.

Luckily, Steve had already taken three months off work starting at your due date. So, when your water broke, he grabbed the hospital bag and literally picked you up and headed to the car. When you arrived to the hospital, they hooked you up to all of the machines and began all of the standard procedures, etc. Well, after you had started pushing, they told you that... you had to have a c-section.

Steve was of course very supportive and polite through all of this. You, on the other hand, were almost constantly either yelling at him or the poor doctors.

C-section went fine. Baby is healthy. Badda bing Badda boom. 

Birth Date and Time:

  March 17th - 5:04 PM  

His First Thoughts When Holding Them:

Hi there. I'm your father. I'm gonna try my absolute best to make sure that you'll never get hurt or sad or upset. I'll never let you go.

It's like a little mini me...

Mini You or Him:




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Naw fam I'm just kidding it's Bucky  

His Worst Fear as a Dad:

That he won't be able to protect them from the dangers of the world.

Other (Future) Kids:

  5 years after your first - Annabelle Grace Rogers  

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