19. Your Worst Fear

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Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark.

When you're in the dark, you feel like you're being strangled, you start hyperventilating and you can't think. So, when you and Tony first started sharing a room you thought that your middle of the night panic attacks might disturb him.

One night you woke up and sat up in bed, scaring the crap out Tony. He immediately sat up with you, rubbing gentle circles in your back. Once you say the soft, glowing light emitting from his arch-reactor, you calmed down and was able to go back to sleep.


Astraphobia- Fear of Thunder.

You know it's immature but you can't help it. Every time thunder cracks it scares the sh*t out of you to the point where you start crying. When you first started dating Thor you knew the topic would come up eventually.

When it did, he just told you that everything was fine and it couldn't, he would never let it, hurt you. He told you every time thunder cracks, to think of him, and know that he's watching over you and he's with you.


Coulrophobia- Fear of Clowns.

On one of your surprise dates, he took you to the circus. Worst decision ever. Steve didn't know you wee afraid of clowns, so when the clown act came into the ring, you ran out crying. He was so apologetic, you felt bad. He vowed to check with you before he takes you anywhere.


Necrophobia- Fear of losing the people you love.

You and Bucky both have the same fear. Panic attacks engulfing you both. You guys end up just holding each other until they pass, but still not letting go. 


Thalassophobia- Fear of open water.

When Clint surprised you with a cruise, you freaked out. You wouldn't leave the cabin and he felt horrible.


Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.

Loki always pranks you, and not knowing you had a major fear of spiders, he filled your room with them. Well, the image of them anyway. When you woke up that morning you let out a high pitched scream that probably only dogs could hear. Luckily non of the spiders made it on to your bed, so you were curled up in a ball crying your eyes out. Once Loki realized that you were that scared, he made the image disappear and was by your side, soothing you and apologizing for scaring you.


Myrmecophobia- Fear of Ants.

Not even gonna go there.

Peter Q:

Acrophobia- Fear of Heights or more specifically; fear of falling.

You can't go near any windows in the ship or you'll throw up.


Add ons and redo's: (1|28|16|)


Trypanophobia - Fear of needles.

Whenever you get sick and have to go to the doctor, you do not want to. Even being in the same room as them  makes you super scared. Bruce tries to encourage you to go, but you refuse. One time, he had to trick you into getting a flu shot, but he held your hand the whole time.


Monophobia - Fear of Being Alone.

Pietro knows you have this fear and does everything in his power to make sure you never are alone, or feel alone. Wether that be asking your friends to come over when he can't be there or using his super speed to come back home every minute possible.

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