Steve Rogers • Proposal

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"Y-yeah, I'll be there I just don't want (Y/N) to find out. Mhm... K... I'll see you later and remember, don't let (Y/N) find out.... Bye." You hear Steve hang up the phone, confirming what you had been suspecting. Steve is cheating on you. All the mysterious phone calls, all the going out at night and not coming back until late, him smelling like lady's perfume. It all makes sense.

"Oh!" Steve bumps into you. "What are you up to?" You look up at him, revealing your red rimed eyes. "Darlin'? What's the matter?" He says pulling you into a warm hug.

Might as well just ask, right?

"Steve, have you been cheating on me?" His face grows serious and he lifts your chin up to look at him.

"No. I would never do that (Y/N). I love you and only you. What would ever make you think that I would cheat on you?" He spits the word out with a certain amount of disgust.

"Late nights, mysterious phone calls, maybe coming home smelling like perfume?" You sniffle slightly. Then he pulls you into a hug.

"I would never do that to you Doll."

"Would you like to go out on a date tonight?" He asks suddenly.

You think about it for a moment. "Yeah.. I would." Nodding your head.

"Can you be ready by 8?"

You look at your watch. 4:00

"Yes." You say smiling and pecking Steve on the lips.


"Are you ready yet (Y/N)?!" Steve shouts from the living room.

"Steve, it's 8:01. What are you so anxious for?" You walk out in your baby blue, hater top, a-line dress, paired with white flats.

"Nothing Doll, you look beautiful by the way." He walks over and takes your hand into his, "shall we be off?" Vc

"We shall."


You two ended up at Central Park, walking hand in hand with your head on his shoulder... well, upper arm.

You rounded a corner when you saw ' (Y/N) will you...' Projected in the sky, Tony hovering by it

What the hell?

You turn around to see Steve down on one knee. With a ring. Oh god.

"Marry me?"

You feel a single tear slip down your cheek. "Of course I'll marry you, Steve." He gets a big goofy grin on his face and puts the ring on your finger. He gets up and spins you around by the waist then pulls you into a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, future Mrs. Rogers."

"Hey Love birds! Get a room!"

() [flips a table]

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