Chapter 7 { microwavable popcorn }

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{ well I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart, but your blade it might be too sharp, I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard, but I may snap when you move close }

Chapter 7 { microwavable popcorn }

By the weekend I was so confused with what was happening I managed to slip away into my own fantasy completely. But when Buzz texts me, reality became fantasy. Somehow he managed to make me feel completely happy.

Not even Charlotte does that.

I spent every second I could with him. But as he said, we kept the whole kissing thing a secret. To everyone else we were friends. To each other, we were lovers. And it felt weird to think about it, but I liked it.

I liked the feel of his hands around mine. I liked the warmth of his lips. I liked him. I hadn’t made plans with Charlotte this weekend, so I had two days of laziness. It was her weekend at her house. Her and Jamie had separate weekends because they don’t get along all too well.

I still thought about the butterflies I’d got for Jamie, but I hadn’t gotten them since Tuesday, so I think my poor little butterflies were confused.

Buzz called me at 8:00am.

“Hello.” He said flatly,

“Are you ok?” I asked in reply.

“I’m not great. Wanna come to the café?” He said, sounding like he was being forced to spit it out.

“I’m busy, and isn’t the café very public?” I lied, and tried an excuse on for size.



“And anyway I thought we could tell people about us, you know.” He still sounded like he was being tortured to say it and it made me feel a little sad, but I spoke normally.

“I didn’t think…”

“Well I want people to know now.”

“But I don’t.” I replied sternly.

“Why not?” He was being very vague today. He really wasn’t in a good mood.

“Because…” I trailed off. I didn’t actually have a reason. I just liked the stealth of it all.

“You know what I don’t have time for this. Screw you Ebony, we’ll speak on Monday.” The phone went dead immediately and I stood still for a moment, not quite understanding what had happened.

You see, Buzz was brilliant. Until he wasn’t. After a while he got angry at everything. When he was nice, he was really nice, but when he isn’t nice, he’s really, really not nice.   

He was throwing me around like a rag doll and half of me loved it, the other half disagreed. I was so happily confused I don’t think I really took on board his words. I decided it was nothing and he’d text me later.

I started watching a film when the doorbell rang. I rolled my eyes and mentally cursed whoever was interrupting my Saturday. It better not be my mom. She has her own keys, why can’t she open her own damn door?

I marched downstairs, still in my pyjamas and fuming.

When I opened the door I was shocked when it was Jamie.

“What are you doing here?” I scowled, hiding behind the door in my flimsy shorts and top.

“Good morning to you too.” He grinned and made his own way in.

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