Chapter 4 { Ice cream in April }

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{ hold your breath and let the pieces fall, you crossed the line and now you’re gunna’ crawl, back to me because there isn’t anything at all, that I would not do for you. }

Chapter four-

“I see your amazing timing hasn’t changed.” Buzz raised his perfectly arching eyebrows at me and checked his watch.

I’m not that late. It was only ten past four. And it wasn’t like I planned it at lunch time with Charlotte to be ten minutes late. Nope. Not. At. All.

I smiled, pulled the chair from the table and slumped myself down. “I told you, I’m a busy woman.” I smirked, pushing my school bags under the table. I hadn’t been home yet, I’d spent the time with Charlotte planning everything I wanted to say, but probably wouldn’t say any of it.

“Of course.” He grinned, showing me his teeth again. I took a guess that he’d be grinning a lot. Just to make me remember how many times I’d missed it in the last six months. “I got you a coffee.” He pointed to the second cup on the table. It was steaming.

“I don’t really drink coffee anymore.” I bit my tongue, waiting for his reaction. He looked a tad shocked, because we’d drunk it more than 100 times together before. We were coffee addicts.

“More for me then.” He pulled the cup closer to him, looking a bit defeated. Then he looked at me and frowned. “Why?”

I shrugged, even though I knew completely why. Because of him. He frowned a little more, burrowing those eyebrows of his further, but when he realised I wasn’t going to tell him he gave up.

“So how’s life?” He asked a little smugly, knowing since he’d dropped me it hadn’t been the same.

“Wonderful,” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and realising that my life actually wasn’t that bad. Apart from a few major things, my life wasn’t as hard as I always made it out to be. “How about you, Buzz?” I was actually curious on what he’d been up to, been as I had made a point to avoid him. All I’d heard was a few weeks ago he’d broken up with Miley, I didn’t know why or how, but it’s the only thing I knew so I wasn’t going to let it go.

He sucked in a deep breath and looked at the window for a few seconds. It looked like he was really thinking about it, like he actually didn’t know himself. I raised my eyebrows and leant back in my chair; if he was having to think about it then it couldn’t be that great.

“It could be better.” He remarked, like it was a little personal joke with himself. His eyes shone with darkness then, a darkness I hadn’t seen in his eyes ever before. It scared me a little.

“Everything could be better.” I pointed out, and I was technically right. Even someone who is completely happy could have a better life. It just depends on what kind of better.

“True.” He sighed, rubbing his nose and picking up his coffee. Or was it my coffee he picked up? I don’t know. I don’t care.

But I do, because if he picked up mine that means he’s already accepted I don’t like coffee anymore. Was that a good sign? Is he moving on from the past? Has he already moved on? There’s nothing for him to move on from, it’s me that got the scars from the past. Why am I getting so worked up over coffee? It’s just a damn drink.

I’d been staring at his coffee for too long. He frowned at me like I’d gone mad, and part of me agreed with his frown. I had gone mad, and all it had taken was coffee. Stupid, steaming coffee.

“I was hoping we could start over, Ebony, but you seem to be holding something back.” His eyes dug into me, like he was exposing my feelings. But he wasn’t, he couldn’t possibly feel I what I felt. He had spoken awfully courteously, and it made me realise I wasn’t the only one holding back.

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