Chapter 12

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Magdeline's POV

I don't know what to think about now so, I don't really think I should be thinking about anything; Hold on. The note. When I got that note; It had a plane ticket to Nashville, Tennessee. How would she know the exact date she was going to die. Yes, she did say in the note;"Your {Step} father told me to write this.", but how on earth would she even know the day she was going to die. She might've lived. And, how did she know what date to get the plane ticket; It was the day AFTER she died... Let's see, maybe I should go look on the counter. Maybe its under the table mat like it was when I found it that day. Oooh, and the black and purple bag!

I ran into the house to find my mum asleep on the couch. My heart was beating in my ears, and my hands where shaking. Here is the moment I find out if all this crap was fake and if I'm going deliousnal.

And; There it was. The note.

"Dear Magdeline,I love you. I knew this would happen your [Step] Father told me to write this...In the attic there will be a big purple and black bag.It has stuff and loads of money.You will need it. Your going to an all boys boarding school. Be careful try not to expose you being a werewolf. Your rooming with my friends son.As you know I'm a vampire so this is going to be an all vampire boys boarding school....I love you."

Oh my gosh. This makes absolutly no sence.

"It will make more soon." A voice whispered in my head... This voice was sweet and intoxicating and I wanted to hear him speak more. I wanted to be with him and I didn't want to be here, right now. I wanted to be with him; Gray.

"Gray!" I shouted, oh crap. I said that outloud. Please don't wake up mum.

"She won't wake up." Gray's voice said again,"Listen I have to go now. But you'll see me soon. Very soon. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Gray."I thought.

Oh God. I'm a freaking loon. I feel like I'm talking to myself.

"I-"He started, but never finished.


No reply.

Oh my gosh. I slowly walked to the attic. I found the plane ticket and keys to the Jeep. The day the plane tickets where for were; June 25th.

Wait, it's June 21st right? I walked over to the calender(Heh, Yeah. I DO have a calender in my attic)

Full Moon tonight

Huh, great.

"Full Moon? See ya then, Magdeline. You'll see all of us then."



Make sence? Probably not... Oooh, I won't be posting for a while... Maybe; Next weekend.


Comment telling me what YOU think is going to happen! I already know what is! Haha=P


PS- Does anyone like the name Lakota?

PPS- Who Likes Mustaches?

PPPS- What does PS even mean?

PPPPS- Panic!@TheDisco

PPPPPS- Scribblenauts is beast!


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