Chapter 5

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She can't be serious with that dress. I kept shaking my head no but she kept coming closer with her bondage dress. It looked like something a hooker would wear and it had no sleeves or back.

"Come on don't be a sour puss." She came closer and I backed away. I rather be dead than wear that dress. "Try it on for fun." She smiled and I still shook my head no. "Please." She whined and gave me puppy dog eyes but I still said no. "You are no fun." She put back the dress. "Well look around to see if there is anything here you like." She gestured to the clothes then sat on the couch and started texting.

I needed something that had long sleeves and covered everything. The farthest these dresses went was on the knee. Maybe I could wear pants? She had a nice white pants that had a matching jacket. I took it down and modelled it in front of the mirror it looked alright.

"So you don't like dresses?" she put down her phone. "We have two more hours until the ceremony starts." She took the pants suit and put the hanger on the hook. She had her hands in my hair pulling it up. "What is this?" she had her finger trailing something and I jerked away pulling my hair over my neck. I smiled and shrugged but she looked baffled. Her eyes glazed over and in a second she was back with a smile.

She didn't try to look at it again but I knew it lingered in her mind. She talked about makeup and maybe I should wear my hair up. She showed me the bathroom and gave me a bath robe. I did all I was supposed to do then put on the robe to hide my mauled skin. She wasn't alone when I exited the bathroom she had the mermaids with her. Their beauty was captivating.

"Luna hi again." The one that brought me food greeted. "I'm Aquata." She bowed her head. I waved hi to her.

"They are here to get your hair and makeup done after all beauty is a mermaid's forte." Mia said and they all laughed.

"Sit right here Luna." Aquata patted the seat.

"Marina you can do her makeup." She spoke to the other that was busy in her bag.

"Aite." She said digging around in the bag. "Got it." She took out a packet of gum and ate one. Mia left and they began and when Aquata began to lift my hair I pulled the robe further up on my neck. Marina was doing the makeup light and it didn't take them long to finish.

"Ta Da." They spun me around to the mirror and I looked hot I would date me. "Now you have to get dress the Alpha doesn't like anyone being late. So farewell for now." They went away. Mia still hadn't finished in the bathroom and I quickly dropped the robe slid on the pants the waist was a little big, I put on the jacket but the bottom part didn't have a button and it showed a gruesome scar. I looked around for a pin and finally found one. I looked in the mirror once more and I looked okay. I sat and waited for Mia who was taking forever to get out of the bathroom. I went to knock on the door but it opened and Mia scurried out.

"Sorry you look beautiful." She smiled and pulled on a white pencil skirt and a bustier. "I have never followed rules and I'm not going to start now." She put on her blood red lipstick and we were off. "It's in the field." She held my hand and guided me. It was a bit chilly outside, wasn't she cold?

"Mia hot as ever." A young man no more than twenty flirted with her.

"Get away Wayne." She dismissed him.

"Stop playing hard to get." He smacked her ass, she stopped abruptly and turned with a smile and batted her eyes.

"Wayne baby you know your too much man for me." She had her hand on his chest.

"I am? I mean I know I am." He felt like a man now and she swiftly brought up her knee and it connected with his jewels. He toppled over groping his balls. "Oh my balls." He whined.

"Good bye now." She took my hand and we continued like nothing happened. We finally reached the field and a stage was built for the event. She led me to the back and we waited for the thing to start. "I'm up wish me luck." She hadn't told me she would be the one introducing us.

"Hello, you look beautiful Mia came through at last." He smiled. His tie was a little crocked so I straightened it. He looked very good in his suit, his hair was the same no change to it.

"As you all know Derick has finally found his mate," Mia spoke. "A very beautiful girl to quench our Alpha's thirst." She continued.

"I am going to kill her." He sighed. I liked Mia she had an 'I don't care what you think' attitude.

"I now welcome our Alpha and our new Luna." People started applauding and he took my hand and led us out on the stage. He looked at Mia and he was ticked but he focused on us and she giggled.

"Good night everybody." He greeted and I bowed my head. Mia came over with a knife, he cut his hand and asked for mine but I didn't give it to him, it might kill him. Or not there was that bloody time in the tub. I hesitatingly gave him my hand and he made a small incision on my index finger he rubbed our wounds together. "For now we are one." He held our hands up together and he wasn't burning and I was happy for that.

"I now present The Eclipse Pack's new Luna." Mia yelled and they all cheered.

"You may now transform." He said to them and they did as told. Ice monsters, witches, Furies, Hydra, wolves and then those that just stayed plain. "You are now officially part of the pack." I felt weird like something was tugging inside me.

"My new sister. Yay!" she yelled and dragged me away. It felt like I was burning on the inside I pulled her back and she looked at me in fright. What is happening to me? "Derick!" She yelled she was panicking and I was burning up. He appeared in front of me and even though he was speaking to me I couldn't understand the fire. I fell to my knees and covered my ears rocking away the heat. Something cold touched my shoulder, I looked up it was Mary but the heat was burning her and she let go.

Was I dying? It stopped suddenly and I stood.

"I don't understand what the hell just happened?" Mia asked.

"Why did her hair colour keep changing?" Derick asked.

"Derick she burnt me and I am ice." Mary showed him her now red palm. I could feel something on my back it burned. I ran to the house and Derick followed I followed my nose and I was in his room I tore the jacket away and turned my back to the mirror. What the hell? Was that a dragon? Is that a mermaid? Fangs? Why was I being marked?

"What are these?" he asked. It began to fade and I didn't know if I should be happy or sad. A knock was outside his door and he went to answer it.

"I know what it was." It was Gina but not in her bubbly state.

"What was it?" He asked.

"The Mark Of The Immortal. Her dawning is near and she'll..." she was interrupted.

"Gina I have been looking for you." Her mother I assume said. Gina snapped out of her trance and took her mother's hand and left.

"The Mark of The Immortal." Derick repeated. "What is that?" He asked me but I shrugged. I put on the jacket and we went back out the field like nothing happened I was greeted and talked to by everyone. Mary kept her promise and made her lamb stew and it was to die for. I had questions that needed to be answered.

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