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I couldn't believe what I was hearing and even though it was for my own good I couldn't accept this fact. Every word they said was like a dagger in my heart and I shook my head indicating a no but they kept talking. I heard the screams outside and felt the pain of another life gone. They kept talking but it was as if their words were flying over my head and every scream my mother would shed another tear.

"I won't run!" I kept saying to them. "They are my people as well and I want to fight." I said to them with determination in my voice.

"Listen to me you have to run it's for your safety." My father held on firmly to my shoulders almost breaking my shoulder blades.

"Please I promise we will be right behind you." My mother said weeping as she heard and felt the death of her people.

"I want to fight!" I yelled. "They are here for me and want to fight to save my people." Still determine not to run.

They were at our doors now banging on it. I saw the panic in my mother's eyes as they pleaded with me to hear their request. "The barrier is breaking" My mother eyes glazed over for a second. "Run Now! Stop for nothing, but I'll hide your powers." She pulled a potion bottle from her bosom and handed it to me. Mom was a powerful witch, I downed it really fast and it felt like something had been forced my soul to hide I felt hollow. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came and I started to panic.

"Now run." My father opened the way to the secret stairwell and pushed me inside and as it closed I heard the breaking of wood and screams. Run the only thing that kept coming to my mind.

I ran down the dark and empty corridor I felt a sudden pain in my heart and I stopped clutching my heart in agony another one and I knew they were dead the most painful pain I have ever felt. I started running again tears staining my cheeks, I was finally at the end of the corridor I peeped out to see if anyone was around. I looked at the deformation of my peoples bodies all around the field, mothers, fathers and even children and I wept this was all because of me. My people's death will not be in vain, I ran across the field towards the woods but I stumbled over a body. Emma she was just fourteen I got on my knees and hugged her body I couldn't help myself and I wept for her I wasn't much older than her.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell at my head shot up almost whiplashing. "I found her!" He yelled and transformed and ran towards me and I drew out the silver knife from my boot.

He plunged at me and he smelt like gasoline and dead animals. I flung my hand upwards and into his stomach and I felt his soul leave his body with one last howl. I pushed his carcass off me and stood up the blood dripping from the knife and I spat on him.

A crowd was walking towards me and a spell was cast that deflected. A woman came running to the body as I ran to the woods, I heard her scream it was the scream of a Banshee a Werewolf and a Banshee mates. "I'll kill you."

They were all after me now and the branches of the trees were tearing at me scratching my face holding my shirt. I had to reach the creek and cross over, I pushed my tired legs and I heard their growls and screeches behind me. I wasn't fast enough winged creatures were in front of me a Fury and her sisters were behind her they all looked sinister their eyes glowing getting in my head prying at my memories but they couldn't find what they wanted.

"Well, well little bitch seems like your parents were indeed great." One circled me and slung the knife and her but she stepped back.

"Naughty, naughty." One of the other sisters teased.

"She is so pretty, how do you think I'll look in her skin?" The younger one asked tauntingly.

I felt them all behind me and again swung my knife cutting the oldest and youngest ones throat and the other screeched at me. They held their throats struggling waiting for healing I used this time to escape. The creek was my aim, if I reached the creek I would be safe for a while.

I brushed past bushes again getting more scratches. I can't give up I have to avenge my people their deaths won't be in vain. I have to escape and plot my return. Cackling overhead and I pushed my legs to move faster. From the corner of my eyes I could see something running parallel me ready to jump. It pounced at me gnawing at me trying to rip out my throat Bloodhounds but this wasn't a regular Bloodhound its body was catching a flame. Oh come on. A hybrid hellhound and bloodhound they were not easy to kill in fact it was near impossible all I have to do is wound it and get the hell away. Its skin was hard as rock no weak spots.

He was trying to find my soul but couldn't find it and he looked at me in confusion he was going to kill me. I used my right hand to block my throat he bit it and each bite more painful than the one before. I need a weak spot the weakest points on hellhound, I should have paid attention to this in class. Weakest part on the body the joints and eyes, I couldn't reach a joint so I settled for the left eye it jumped off me rubbing his wounded eye.

"You bitch!" It yelled going into it human like form.

Bitch with a knife. I continued running but my hand was bleeding hard I paused and tore the end of my shirt and wrapped my hand. Cackling a witch was near and she wasn't a good witch she spelt of decaying carcasses.

"Run, run as fast as you can, there is no way to escape our Alpha's plan." She cackled her rhyme wasn't even as clever as it ought to be. She could easily stop me but she wasn't she was chasing me like a game of cat and mouse. There was an ulterior motive unless they were already at the creek waiting for me. "I killed your mother she screamed at the top of her lungs. I removed her head from her body." She cackled and I stopped in my tracks and swung around with my knife.

"Miss me, miss me. You don't smell like Royalty you smell worse than me. You smell like human. Human's yum very delicious especially the pure one's." She licked her dirty nails. She took out her wand and held it to my throat and it burnt my skin. She used her finger and took some of my blood and licked it. "Yum." She said.

But I could see her throat getting red like it was burning from the inside and she dropped her wand and held her throat and fell to the floor gasping for air. I stood behind her and held her hair so she was looking up at me. Off with your head. And severed her head from her body and dropped her head to the side and spat on her body.

Since they were at the creek what was I going to do? The short cut. I ran back it the direction I was coming from ready to kill anyone that got in my way. I cleared away the bushes and ran in the short cut but I wasn't the only one in it I was trapped that was the plan all along. The hybrid, Furies, werewolf and others all looking at me sinisterly.

"Well, well, well you played right in our trap." A big man came out of the crowd his aura showed power and darkness. I tried to turn and run but I was backed in I was trapped everywhere I turned.

"Give up." A woman stood beside him a succubus.

I shook my head no and she opened her mouth and tried to suck my chi but failed. "She has the Deadly Hollow Curse on her." She said still trying. I pushed my knife in her heart and she screamed and I was thrown across the path and unto a tree. The branch broke and pierced my side and I was like a piece of cloth on a hang nail.

The woman stood with an evil glare beside her man. "Little Bitch." She hissed. "Soon all that fight will be gone and you'll be screaming for death." She ran her finger against my cheekbone. "I'll probably have my fun with you too." Sex crazed freak.

"Take her down I want her alive she is the last one to be born ever her soul and power is everything." The man said and two men took me down applying pressure to my wound. I looked at their faces hazily and only one among them seemed apologetic and it was a girl about my age. Her face was the last thing before I was knocked out.


My very first supernatural story I am nervous but excited at the same time. Nexcited.

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