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"James, I have… erm… I have something to tell you," Emmeline began awkwardly.

James held up a hand to silence her. "I already know, Em," he told her solemnly. "And while I can't pretend to understand why, I'm not mad."

Emmeline breathed out a sigh of relief. "You're a good friend, James," she mumbled, echoing Sirius' previous sentiments. She had expected James to yell, at the very least, and instead – the look in James' eyes was impossible to read, but it definitely wasn't anger.

James shrugged. "Well, Lily wouldn't be angry, and its really not me you have to explain yourself to, Em," he said frankly.

Emmeline nodded, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "I know. I was wondering… if you'd come with me?"

James shoved his hands into his pockets. Lily needed to hear what Emmeline was going to tell her… and Lily probably wouldn't be very happy with Emmeline. He thought about her, curled up in that big bed of hers', looking fast asleep and peaceful as she had that morning, unable to comprehend why anyone would ever wish to hurt her. She looked so… well, innocent.

And he had intended to check up on her…

James expelled his breath slowly. "Ok," he agreed.

Emmeline looked surprised, again. "Thanks."

They made their way back to the Head's Tower with relative speed. The corridors were deserted, as everyone was at lunch, although the portraits eyed them suspiciously.

The Carved Witch smiled uncertainly as they approached.

"Oh good, I was wondering when you'd be back… I'm afraid the Head Girl is in a bad way," she murmured as James muttered the password.

James and Emmeline exchanged looks of apprehension and set forth into the Head's Tower with caution.


Lily stood in the middle of the common room, smiling lopsided as she wandered forward to give James a hug. Bewildered, James hugged her back awkwardly, patting her back and glaring at Emmeline over Lily's shoulder. Since when did Lily call him James?

"Er – hi, Lily."

"And EM!" she cried, more or less leaping onto Emmeline. " I love you, Emmeline Vance."

James watched her, frowning. When the Carved Witch had said she was in a bad way… well, James had expected tears. But looking at Lily, he couldn't shake the deep suspicion that she was… well, there was no other word for it… drunk.

Emmeline was harbouring similar suspicions – something that appeared to be confirmed when James groaned, raced upstairs and returned moments later, frowning.

"You," he accused, wiggling his index finger at Lily," stole my Firewhiskey."

Lily giggled. Giggled!

James ran a hand through his messy black hair, and Emmeline was very curious to notice that two red blotches were appearing on his cheeks.

"What were you doing looking through my underwear draw?" James' voice sounded positively strangled.

Emmeline's eyes widened. She coughed, reminding them that she was still there. Lily giggled again, and opened her mouth to give a reply – a reply that in Emmeline's mind, anyway, was definitely going to include way too much information.

"Lily, how much exactly have you had?"

Lily bit her lip, looking thoughtful, then grinned. The way that her eyes lit up was positively child-like.

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