*** Author's Note ***

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Instead of adding this to the end of one of the chapters I uploaded so far, I thought I would share this message about  here - This way, it is hard to miss, but easy to skip. 

Thanks for reading Butterfly Wishes! I would love to know what you think of the story so far, so feel free to leave a comment or send me a message. Thank you to everyone who keeps voting and reading every time I upload a new chapter. 

As you may know already, Butterfly Wishes is the novel I started for NaNoWriMo this year, so I have written over 50k words already (I have worked on about 15 chapters in total). The problem is, after this chapter, I started skipping scenes so I still have a couple of holes to fill. Finishing the next chapters still won't take very long, but you might have to wait a couple of days after each upload. 

Lastly, if you are hoping for me to go into detail about Jade's illness, you will be dissapointed. The decision to write Butterfly Wishes was rather last minute, so I didn't get a chance to do my research. In this first draft, Jade's disease will remain some sort of a mystery but I will fix this later on. (If you have any suggestions, consider me interested)

Oh, and one other note. A reader asked me where this story takes place and my answer to this is 'everywhere'. If you have read some of my other stories, you will have noticed that I keep the details very vague. In real life I am not a person who keeps a close eye to detail and it isn't something I like when reading books either. In my opinion, I don't want to write stuff in my own stories that I know I would skip if it were anyone else's story that I was reading.

What does this mean for you as a reader? You know you can expect my story to be 95% real story, and not a list of  details to cars, computers, mobile devices, fashion, etc... I don't add full recipes or song lyrics either, nor do I feel the need to explain every single step to taking a shower, and getting dressed in the morning. I assume you can fill in the blanks. Nor does it really matter - in my opinion - how many flowers my main character spots in a garden, or an inventory of every last piece of decoration my main characters find in a room. 

In short, my stories take some effort to read. In return, you get  to read a story that feels more personal and closer to yourself because you have to use your own imagination. This is exactly what I like when I read books and I hope you can appreciate this writing style as well.  

However, if you think that some parts of this story (or one of my other stories) really are too vague and you think I defiitely need to add more detail or clarify stuff, please let me know. Sometimes I forget that you can't  see the same things I do in my head when I am writing a story. 

Once again, thanks for reading my story/stories and this rather long message. I do appreciate it a lot and I hope you continue to enjoy Butterfly Wishes. 


- Vicky

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