Chapter 26

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating.
I will try to update every weekend.
Just can't make time.
Mainly because of school.
So here we go.
Chapter 26!
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Clary's P.O.V

I'm standing in front of Val's Studio and dreading to go in. If I do there is a big chance seeing Jace and Sebastian. I will have to eventually go in. I'm already late for work.

I sigh deeply and go in anyways.

Once I entered the main stage. I am bombarded with a bunch of questions, which I gave no reply. Soon Helen came and rushed me into wardrobe and makeup.

Once they were done, Helen gave me my script and rushed me to where the scene was going to take place. Which took about six minutes, since it was located on another room.

Helen keeps on mumbling on how she and I are screwed. But I don't get how its her fault. I'm the one that was late.

"Okay since you were an hour late, Sebastian and the others started filming." She said as she gave me a script and started flipping it through the pages. She showed me the part where Jace, or should I say my 'brother' was trying to pick  a fight with Sebastian or 'Tyler Lace'.

"Okay just wait a couple minutes and when Sebastian, I mean Tyler says this, you will barge in and then say this." She said while pointing at my part.

I nod since I understand clearly. She then gave me two thumbs up in encouragement.

I make my way into the room where this specific scene takes place, very slowly and quietly.

"Where is she Mark!" Sebastian screamed at Jace who was playing Mark Dove, my brother.

I knew that this was my cue to go in. I looked down on my script and skinned through it very quickly and forced my mind to memorize my parts and my stage directions.

I then sprint towards action.

I put my self between Jace and Sebastian, but my face facing Sebastian and my back facing Jace.

"Come on Tyler he is not worth it." I whisper as I grab Sebastian's cold hand. He seems surprised at first put then puts on a serious expression, knowing that we are in the middle of filming.

"And CUT!" A cold yet familiar voice slashed through the air like a knife cutting an apple. "Sebastian a word." Said the hard voice. I swear I know that voice.

Sebastian let go of my hand, which I totally forgot that I was still in holding, and He then made his way through the coffee table and then went behind several cameras.

I try to stand on the tip of my toes to see who the voice belongs to, but it was no use, I still couldn't see. I curse my shortness once again.

I then see Sebastian and, what seem to be, a man head out into the hallway.

My curiosity took over me and I start to go towards where the strange man and Sebastian went to, but a hand grabbed my elbow and pulled me back. I turn around to see who it is.

I am met with a pair of golden eyes, that seem to be blazing like fire.

"Clary." Jace said in a whisper. "I thought you weren't going to show up. I thought that you were going—"

"Well you thought wrong Jace." I retorted as I snatch my elbow back. "Sure Jace some girls might be on your feet begging you and stuff like that, but I'm not one of them. Now I have to go."

I turn around and march towards the hallway that Sebastian and the strange man with the familiar voice went, because there was something about him that seemed off but yet so familiar.

"—I thought she was going to play Emily!" I heard a deep voice shout. I suddenly stop and back away from the room they are in.

"Well she was but she declined. And you were the one who told me to get her to be part of the movie, no matter what." I heard Sebastian say, in a calm yet stern voice.

Wait were they talking about me?

I remember that Magnus said something about the director wanting me to play  Emily Rose, but I refused. So now I'm stuck playing Sophia Dove.

I scoot closer to the entrance of the room they are both in. To hear more of what they are saying because I'm eighty percent sure that they are talking about me.

"Sebastian you will not be close to her under no circumstances." Said the man with the cold voice. It was almost  shocking on how the voice was similar to Sebastian's.

I leaned closer to the entrance. It was erie silent after the man said that to, well, Sebastian. I then heard and intake of breath beside of me.

My head whips around and was about to scream when I saw Jace. But jace moved his hand over my mouth and signaled me to be quiet, suddenly all interested in Sebastian's and the man, with the familiar voice, conversation.

I was too shocked to even move a muscle. Jace moved fast, too fast for my liking. He Moved like a lion striking at his prey.

I was about to whisper/yell at him but the man spoke breaking the silence.

"Understand!" The man shouted at Sebatian. That voice. That voice. The voice who sends me shivers down my spine. The voice that turns my blood to ice cold.

I froze not able to move.

"Yes father." Sebastian said in hushed voice. He too was afraid of him.

Father! Father! What the hell.

I now know whose voice belongs to the strange man.

I heard foot steps coming towards me. I know I should move but couldn't both of my feet are stuck to the ground.

"And Sebastian." He said. The foot steps stopped. I then heard the squeaking of shoes rubbing together. "You will not address me as your father during work. You will address me as Valentine."

I didn't even bother on hearing Sebastian response. The ground just started swirling around me. I dropped to the ground and started shaking uncontrollably.

Jace knelt down and picked me up and hugged me tightly whispering angle knows what. I couldn't understand anything, not see anything.

No! I will not be afraid!

I regained posture and pushed Jace away and run into the room to face him, Valentine, my father.

My father.

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