Chapter 24

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Sorry for the cliffhanger!
And sorry for the wait!
Just busy with school!
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Have a great day/night!
Again really sorry about not updating in a while.
I will post a new chapter on every weekend

Clary P.O.V

I stare at Jace with my green eyes, blazed open. I start to back away from him really slowly. Drinking in the words that Jace said to me on every step I take. I love you Clary.

"What?" I manage to squeak out. I look down at my feet, trying to avoid his gaze. I then wrap my arms around me, tight.

"Clary I—" he said as he took a step towards me. I too, took a step back, so now my back is pressing the brick wall. Jace took this as a sign. A sign that I don't want him close to me.

What was he going to say? Oh sorry I didn't mean that. Or, sorry It wasn't meant for you. Is he serious!

"You what Jace!" I screamed at him with anger filling my voice. "First you hate me the. You love me!"

"Look Clary—" he said with a pleading voice and sadness dripping his voice. His eyes, his golden eyes full of heart break. It almost made me want to go to him a hug him and tell him...Tell him..that I love him too, but no.

He was the one that made my high school years a living hell! Every day he would throw hurtful words at me when Izzy, Simon or even Alec weren't around.

He was the cause of the long gash that I have in both of my wrist!

He suddenly took two steps towards me and bought up bot off his arms."Clary Look at me please." He said in dry voice.

No! I wanted to say, but I couldnt, because before I knew it I was staring at golden eyes. It hurt to look at him. His eyes were full of love.

This isn't the Jace I know. This is isn't the Jace from high school.

I always wondered why Jace started talking to me or at least stopped teasing or calling me names. I always thought it was because he finally started acting like his age.

Maybe this is a prank Clary, a little voice in the back of my head said to me. Although it may sound stupid, but this...this statement rings with truth.

"Clary, I really do love you but...please just let me explain." He said as he reached for me.

No no no! He is lying. Jace is lying. All he did too you is torment you, tease you, made your high school years a living hell, remember. Who would ever want you, Jace had said to you. The voice said to me.

"Get away from me!" I screamed as loud as I can. I swat away his hand away and start walking side ways, with tears stinging my eyes.

I know he could tell the fear that filled my eyes, since he started at me eye wide and turned a pale color.

I then turn around and started running as fast my short legs can. I then hailed a cab and got in. "Take me home." I said.


Jace P.O.V

I watched as Clary's shadow faded away, leaving me alone in the bad smelling alley.

What did I do?! What's wrong with me? You can't just tell someone you love them! But yet I did.

I deeply sigh as I remember the fear that filled Clary's eyes. I never thought I would see them ever again. But I was wrong.

I slumped to the ground and think about how messed up my life is. I felt a drop on my cheek. Great. Now it's raining. My day couldn't get any better.

I brought my hand up to wipe away the drop, but then realized my whole face is wet.

I realized that I'm crying.

These weren't fake tears that came from those tear ducts that made me fake cry and that were used on movies. These are real tears. My tears. These are my tears of heartbreak.

What have you done to me Clary Fairchild.

What have you done.

You made me cry. You made me feel my first heartbreak. me weak.

This is was exactly what I was afraid of. Weak. I am Jace Herondale! Son of Stephen William Herondale! I am not weak. I am strong.

"To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed." My father had said to me just before my father had caught my mother, Celine cheating on him. I might have been ten, but I understood him.

After the scenario of my mother and my father, I vowed on that day that I would never fall in love, but here I am crying. Crying for a short redhead that got away.

My father never loved anyone again. He would come home drunk and talk to me about how true love is just a myth. How love is just a play. How love in this world doesn't exist.

Did I believe it, yes I did.

Not because it sounded true, but because of all the hurt that once filled my  father's eyes. Heed been so hurt, so betrayed, that even I was afraid to love.

I never saw my mother ever again.

I wipe the tears away with both of my hands and was up on my feet. I exited the alley and looked for my car.

Once I found my car I got in. I now realized that it was very quite. I looked to my left and then to my right. No one was here. Not even a single car.

I sigh and started the engine.

My car still smelled like vanilla and roses, Clary's scent.

I might have told her I love her after I kissed her, but I don't regret kissing her.

I can still feel her soft and beautiful lips against mine. How we both molded into one person. How we both move in sync. We were meant for each other.

And I'm determined to make her mine.

And nothing is going to get in my way.

Not even my father's words because for all I know is that I have fallen and...hard.

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