Preview 4 Nevermore

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A tick, a tock, a clink, a clank. He heard the tapping, the insanity, the unknown noise that had been burned in his head after a single minute, only a few seconds, he became crazy.

He took the gun and held it to the glass and wanted it to leave, to go away, to never be said and never be heard. It tapped and tapped and muffled the words, "nevermore" over and over till the glass shattered and collapsed at the bute power of a single bullet that could break a bone and even a man.

But no, it escaped the pain, the suffering and forced it upon him and made him fall to the ground in a rage at the sound, at the noise of the word, "nevermore." He screamed and shouted to the syllables of it and his heart beated to the ending of each breath that the bird draw in and out.

Bang, bang. Bang, bang. The wood split apart atop the door and struck the ground and scared the bird to fly off to another place and the cycle continued again and again till the man fell ill to the ground with the sound of a thump. He stood and the words continued to be said and continued to be heard till all was gone, all was sound and the bird chirped one last "nevermore."   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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