Stripes- Hazzer123

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Title: Stripes

Author: Hazzer123

Summary: "In a world where gay is right and straight is wrong, Madeline doesn't fit in. The government made sure of that when they stamped her wrist with a stripe, marking her as a heterosexual. Outcast and alone, she runs away to start a new life, determined that she will keep her secret hidden. But when she meets a boy and falls in love, life gets harder than she could ever have imagined"

Status: Complete

Rating: PG-13

Personal Comments: This was the very first book I read on Wattpad, and it encouraged me to continue reading on here. The book is well written, humourous, but also extremely moving, and it captured my heart. Truly. If you've read Noughts and Crosses, think that sort of style. Set in an alternate world, the author captures the thoughts and feelings of so called "Stripe" Madeline extremely well. Though there are parts I could criticise for being a little cliche and cheesy, I understand that it is only a first draft and know the novel will go on to amaze many more people.

Other: It is also worth mentioning that Hazzer123 has written a couple of good fanfictions, which I highly recommend. I also like her novel, Pixelate, a murder mystery, but the updates are slow. Any potential fans of Hazzer123 should note that though she updates several times a week, it is not always on the same story, and she has several on the go at once. Also there is now a rewrite posted on Hazzer's profile! It's even better than the first one! Like, seriously. There's a ton of new stuff in it, and it's not even finished yet! It's only just begun!

Out of ten: 9/10 from me! (Fans of the book/author are welcome to leave their own opinions in the comments box) 10/10 for the rewrite. Absoloute perfection (so far.)

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