Chapter 16

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Hello peoples! Here you go! Another chapter! And it's fighting time! Very exciting! And this is one of my favorite chapters, not my all time favorite, when it come to this book, but it's up there. And I will defiantly let you know when we get to my favorite chapter. In so excited I'm bouncing in my seat! So much excitment! And I guess I will shut up now, and let you read it. But first, I would like to dedicate this chapter to ggduyfuryclaw! She is a new follower! I know, I'm trying! I will catch up eventually and then not have anyone to dedicate chapters to. But anyway, love you ggduyfuryclaw! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


“Come on get on your knees!” The tallest and most powerful shark yelled, watching as his followers shoved people onto their hands and knees. While the entire city's Mages stood and watched right outside the front door of the castle. The door on their left and they faced the path that lead down the hill, the only thing between them was their weapons and then the sharks.

“You’re going to regret this!” Makarov yelled at Megalodon.

“Oh yeah?” He asked squatting down in front of him, “How? By who?”

“By them,” Makarov said as he pointed at the five large figures that were running up the hill towards the castle.

“You mean my men?” Megalodon corrected Makarov while standing up, “Those are my men, not yours, in fact I’m pretty sure all of your people are either here or dead, I mean they’re all going to die but whatever makes you feel better.”

“We are ready, your majesty,” A shark said as he and multiple others walked up the side of the three mermaids who were now lined up on their knees. Cana, Elfman, and Master Makarov, to be exact. And that were all beat up from head to toe.

“Good.” Megalodon said as he stepped back from the line. “On my mark.” Three sharks lifted their axes up and prepared to strike down at an angle. Cana, Elfman, and Marcus looked over at each other. They then all faced forwards, Elfman closed his eyes and Cana started to silently cry to herself. She looked down at the ground squeezing her eyes shut, but after a moment she took a shaky breath and raised her head high with tears still flowing down her cheeks.

“Good girl,” Marcus whispered to her and Cana let out a shaking laugh and smiled.

“Now!” Megalodon yelled and the sharks started to take their swings. But a sword flew in at the last second when the axes were in a line and cut the three axes in half before they met Cana, Elfman, or Marcus’s neck. The sword landed blade first into the ground and stood up straight, “What the hell?”

“Oh, did I do that?” Gajeel asked like he was innocent. Megalodon turned to see that they were all standing there. Gajeel with Levy on his back, Lucy on Natsu's, Juvia on Gray, Mira on Laxus, and Erza on Jellal’s.

“Elfman?” Mira called out wanting to know if her baby brother was okay.

“I’m alright Mira!” Elfman called back as he smiled seeing that she was alright as well.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Megalodon yelled at the boys but then talked directly to the girls. “You’re supposed to be dead!”

“Yeah, but apparently we’re not, sorry to disappoint.” Juvia said sassing the large shark without a care in the world.

“And now we’re here to fix what we did.” Gajeel said, as all the boys put the girls down on the ground, and they stood side by side.

“You think the ten of you can defeat me, and my army?” Megalodon said while laughing. “I don’t think so!”

“That’s alright, neither do we.” Gray said, now confusing the great white shark.

“Then why are you here?” Megalodon asked.

“To help defeat you and your army.” Gajeel said.

“But you just said that you can’t do it.” Megalodon pointed out to them.

“No, we agreed that the we can’t defeat you.” Levy said gesturing to the ten warriors standing in front of him.

“That’s why it’s not going to be just the ten of us.” Erza said.

“How is there going to be more of you? I’ve captured all of your Mages, and the rest of your people will be next!” Megalodon said, confidently.

“No, they won’t be, because you’re not going to make it that far.” Jellal said.

“Yeah, you and what army?” Megalodon said as he continued to doubt them.

“That one.” Lucy said as she pointed to the Mages that were standing right behind him.

“Them? They are nothing but weaklings! All of them barely put up a fight!” Megalodon said while laughing, “What makes you think they’ll even fight?” The girls looked surprise as all of the Mages then started to look anywhere but the people that were in front of them.

“What is wrong with all of you?” Natsu yelled at the scouts and that got their attention.

“How dare you call yourselves Mages?” Gray asked.

“You were giving the powers that you have for a reason!” Gajeel yelled out.

“To fight and stand up for your city!” Jellal yelled getting on the same level that Natsu and the other boys were on, and the rest of the boys did to; the girls however weren’t on that level yet and were surprised at what the boys were saying.

“Yet you stand there and act as if there is no hope! How dare you give up? You are mermaids damn it! Mages of Fairy Tail!” Gray yelled.

“You are stronger, kinder, and have a lot longer experience of fighting then us as humans do!” Gajeel said. “You know, since you’re all a couple thousand years old.” He murmured that time and that got the Mages giggling a little.

“You know your enemy better then we do!” Jellal yelled getting back to the point.

“You know their weaknesses, and you don’t have to be stronger than someone to win a fight, you just got to be smart about it!” Natsu said.

“Something that you can’t do.” Gray whispered loud enough that most of the mermaids heard it and giggled again.

“Shut up!” Natsu yelled.

“So why are you standing there? You can all do this! Us five were able to take down six sharks, one we worked together to defeat!” Laxus said.

“And that’s all you gotta do!” Natsu said.

“Is work together!” All the boys said at once and drew their weapons, and so did the girls. Then there was a loud crack of lightning, signalling that the storm had finally arrived, and it instantly started down pouring.

“Fight! FIGHT!” Natsu yelled and the boys charged towards Megalodon from one direction, and all of the Mages charged from the other way, picking up their weapons as they went. All of Megalodon’s men then surrounded him in order to protect their leader, and the real battle had finally begun.

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