Chapter 3

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Heeeeeeey! So here is the next chapter! Sorry it's taking me a while to update each chapter, I am trying my best to not get distracted by other stories and there ideas, and also add coming up with new stories to the list. Its really hard. But I will get through it! It will be hard! But I will make it work! Besides I already have like 3 or 4 other books sorta planned out that I didn't show to you guys. So yeah! I'll be busy for a long time!!! Hopefully I can get through them before I graduate High School. And I mean senior year. Not this year, this year is not senior year, this is sophmore year! And it's happening in 9 days for me. Satan save me! Anyway, I would like to dedicate Alex3833! She is a new voter, and commenter! Well sorta. . . . . she's not new to me. But any way, ignoring me! Love you Alex3833! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


"And welcome to Fairy Tail!" Lucy said as she and the other girls opened the big double doors to the palace, and the boys walked in and looked around.

"Well? What do you think?" Levy asked the boys who were speechless. The city of Magnolia seemed to only be getting more and more amazing.

"Yes!" Said a loud voice, from across the room and the boys looked to see a short old man, "What do you think of this place?" The boys didn't answer at first but then Natsu stepped forwards and answered for all of them.

"Well the myths that are always told on the land, are nowhere near close to describing this place," Natsu said, and all the boys nodded in agreeance.

"I'm glad you are enjoying it so much." The old man said.

"Do I hear visitors?" Asked a sweet voice, the boys looked to the side at one of the hallways, to see a girl with long white hair. She looked to be the same age as the girls but the boys were not completely sure. And there was also a very tall man that had short white hair, and was very muscular.

"You do indeed," Said the old man.

"Boys this is our Master Makarov, and this is Mirajane, and Elfman, they're siblings." Lucy said introducing them to to the old man, young woman, and man pointing to the ones known as Mirajane and Elfman.

"Master, Mira, and Elfman this is Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, and Jellal." Erza said pointing to each boy as they got introduced.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all." Mirajane told them.

"How exactly did you find place?" Elfman asked them.

"Well, we kinda saved them from drowning and brought them with us." Juvia said as she touched the tips of her finger together.

"Is that so?" Makarov asked, looking at all the girls, and they giggled nervously.

"Yes, but they will be leaving tomorrow." Erza told him.

"I see." Makarov said holding his chin in his hand. "Well until then I suppose you might as well enjoy your time here." After a moment Elfman pulled Makarov and all the girls over to the side.

"Are you so sure that's a good idea?" Elfman asked.

"What is it that you mean?" He asked, the white haired boy.

"I mean should we trust them enough for them to be by themselves?" Elfman asked.

"We found them on the bottom of the ocean, tied down to rocks." Levy said.

"They stole a ship and were thrown overboard, to be killed." Lucy added.

"We didn't know until we got them up on land that they stole the ship and were being punished for it." Juvia said.

"So you don't think that we can trust them." Mirajane asked her brother.

"Not completely anyway." He responded as he looked over his shoulder at the boys. And they were looking out the window at the city below them. "Their human after all."

"Well then what do you think we should do? We can't kill them, that just wouldn't be right." Makarov asked the girls in front of them.

"What if we just, stay with them?" Lucy suggested as she looked over at one of the boys. But her gesture did not go unnoticed.

"My, my, my, is someone in love?" Asked the curious white haired girl asked.

"Please don't start that Mira, it never ends well when you do this," Elfman begged the smirking devil.

"And what is it that I'm doing exactly?" Mirajane asked, and all the girls groaned.

"You know what it is that you're doing," Erza said, and all the other girl agreed.

"Anyways, girls, I think that is a great idea," Makarov said, finally responding to Lucy's suggestion, "Just keep an eye on them."

"Will do," They all said, and Makarov walked away leaving Mirajane with the other girls.

"So, what is it that you will take the boys to go do?" Mirajane asked the already annoyed girls, and her brother sighed knowing it was useless to try and stop his sister now.

"Just show them around, I suppose," Levy said.

"What? That's all that you're going to do?" Mirajane asked the girls.

"Well what else are we supposed to do?" Juvia asked her, and at that moment the blue haired beauty realized the mistake she just made, she just gave the 'sweet' devil a challenge that she was not afraid to take on.

"Challenge accepted," Mirajane, the craziest matchmaking devil that would ever walk in earthland said as she pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and started writing on it.

"Juvia, what have you done?" Levy asked while she and Lucy hugged each other in fear.

"I'm sorry," She whispered in response, as she started to shake.

"This won't end good," Erza said calmly, when really on the inside she was horrified.

"You're right this isn't going to end good, it's going to end great!" Mirajane said proudly as she handed them a list of places, "Go to these places today, and I will set up a festival for tonight."

"No, Mira please don't," All the girl begged.

"Too late, now get going, before it gets too late in the evening," Mirajane said as she pushed the girls and the boys out the door, leaving the boys looking suspiciously at the girls and they just nervously giggled.

"Good luck!" Elfman called out to them before his sister completely closed the door all the way.

"What was that about?" Jellal asked.

"Oh nothing." Erza said as she scratched the back of her head.

"We're going to die," Levy said as she looked down at the ground, quietly so only the girls would hear her.

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