Chapter 19

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~ Aki’s pov. ~

          When I wake up I was over Rin’s shoulder and he was running. I look around confused as to what was going on. “We need to hurry, Shima said it was bad and I don’t want to leave Aki unprotected in all of this.” Rin says as he shifts me on his shoulder. “If we go throw the windows you aren’t going to get a good swing with Aki on your back.” Shura says and Rin sighs softly. “I don’t care; as long as Aki is out they shouldn’t hurt her at all.” Rin says before shifting me so my head was in the crook of his neck before I hear the sound of glass breaking around me. Rin drops me and I roll until I was against someone. I peak out only to see that I was facing the people against me and not the one Rin was attacking. I hear screaming and see blue flames around the webs. “Shima keep Aki safe.” Rin says once he was done with his speech. I feel hands around me pulling me back into someone’s strong chest and they press my head against their shoulder.

          Rin and Shura were gone I could hear it and the person holding me relaxes their hold a little. “Let me go.” I growl out as I push away from them and see a very shocked looking Shima. “I’m sorry.” He says and I sigh softly before sitting next to him. “Thanks, I guess.” I say and look away from him. I see Yukio still there and I was mad at him for knocking me out earlier so I was going to give him the silent treatment once I was done yelling at him. “Let’s go we need to get back to the monetary.” Yukio says and I sigh once again before following my brother out of the dorm and to where Rin and Shura were. I wanted to help Rin get the others out but no one but Shura, Yukio, Mephisto and Rin knew that I was the only daughter of Satan. Well besides my cram class but they weren’t really going to say anything to anyone. I smile softly as I watch them react to Rin’s flames and give a giggle as one of them accuses Rin of making them too hot on pursers. “Where’s Yukio?” one of them asks and I look over at Rin to see a worried look on his face.

          “Where is nii-chan? I wanted to talk to him.” I say and Rin pulls me into a hug. “No need to talk to him right now.” he says and I lightly hit his shoulder before he lets me go. I rush over to one of the monks who opens his arms for a hug. I was careful not to knock the IV’s out of their arms. One of them chuckles a little as they smooth down my hair like they had when I was younger. They pause as their finger brushes over my ear but covers it up quickly. “You’ve grown so much since you left.” He mumbles and the others agree with him. I pull back and give them a smile that makes them all give small laughs. “I haven’t grown that much have I onii-chan?” I ask as I turn to look at Rin who was distracted by something and I puff up my checks in annoyance. “Rin!” I say as I get up and jump on his back making him put his arms under me to hold me up. He was had his sword under me so I was sitting on it. He sighs softly as he throws me up lightly making me yelp a little.

          “Aki your heavy.” Rin says but I giggle as I keep a hold of him. Rin chuckles a little as well and lets me stay where I was as if he was happy with me. “Rin I’m proud of you.” I say before kissing the top of his head and I knew my brother was blushing a lot. One of the teaches walks over to get us and Rin carries me on his back as we walk to wherever it was we were going. “How is your head feeling Aki?” Rin asks and I sigh as I place my hands on the top of his head. “Better, my neck hurts a lot and I have a small headache but it’s not too bad.” I say and frown a little when I see the building we were in now. “Is Yukio here?” Rin asks as he puts me down. I wasn’t really sure what was going on right now. I follow Rin to interrogate that teacher who had tried to kill Rin. I wasn’t going to leave Rin’s side until everything was safe.

          “Stay close to me or Shura.” Rin says before we walk into the room and he storms over to the man and I walk over to Shura who sort of looked board. I turn away from the man talking as he told his story because it was a little sad and I didn’t want anyone to see me cry at all. Rin turns to leave and Shura grabs my arm as we chase after him. ‘What is it with my brothers storming out of the room when things get bad?’ I think before shaking my head a little. “I was tracking her.” Shura says and soon a talisman was placed into my hand. “You two contact me when you find her.” She says and Rin grabs my wrist before we are running away from Shura. We end up at the fountain that Ryuji used to make fun of Rin at. Rin has me hold the umbrella as he tries to figure out how to use the talisman. His phone rings and he jumps before looking over at me. “Shiemi needs our help.” he says and we take off running. I know we had something important that we needed to do but if Shiemi needed our help then we would go help her.

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