Chapter 16

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~Aki’s pov~

          I had a bad feeling something was going to happen and I was alone in the dorm.  I was still afraid of being in this haunted looking dorm but at the same time I needed to overcome that fear. “Maybe I should go check on Onii-chan and see how his training is going.” I mumble as I walk back to my room and changing into a pair of jeans letting my tail wrap around it and to be honest it looked like a belt and put on a really long baggy top that hangs down about halfway to me knees. As I walk to the door to head to the cram school I pull my hair up in a messy bun so that some of the hair hid my ears and I kind of felt like a normal girl again. I turn to look over my room before I leave and give a small giggle when I see a pair of Yukio’s old glasses that he removed the lenses in for me when we were 14 so I walk over before picking them up and putting them on. When I get to the cram school no one was there in the hallway so I was guessing they were in the classroom. I walk over to the door and was about to open it when I notice the burned up candles on the floor making me think of Onii-chan.

          I finally look up at the door only to see that it was gone and my heart dropped making me think something bad happened. I rush into the room to see that everyone was there but Konekomaru who was still resting after what happened with Amaimon. Everyone was there but Yukio and I rush over to Rin throwing my arms around him. “Ahhh!” Rin yips and I knock him over a little and I could tell I was getting weird looks. “Who is that? Why is she hanging all over Okumura?” Shima asks and I blush a little. “You had a bad feeling again didn’t you?” Rin whispers in my ear as I pull back a little to let him sit up and go back to what he had been doing. I nod my head and sit on the floor by him looking over the others silently. They all shook it off seeing as how Rin and I weren’t going to say a word about who I was and what had just happened between us. “Didn’t you get the email?” Ryuji asks and I look over Rin’s shoulder at his phone because I was too lazy to take mine out of my pocket. Mephisto walks into the room to tell us what was going on.

~Mephisto’s pov~

          Yukio came and told me about what happened so I sent out an email to have all the ExWires meet. I secretly was pleased that I would get to see Aki again because I had found out about what had happened before the training she and Rin had. Of cores I had been mad about it and had trashed my room in my anger but it hadn’t taken long to put it back in order. “Yukio how is Aki doing? She was in a bit of a rush to get out of my office yesterday.” I ask as we walk to where we would talk to the ExWires. “In pain, she is hiding it well though. Rin told me that she was staying in the dorms today because of it and I’m a little worried about her.” Yukio says before a small frown was on his face. We were quiet after that and I could hear them talking down the hallway so I smile a little. When I stop in the doorway to look then over I notice a girl sitting by Rin who I didn’t really recognize. She looked a little like Rin with her blue hair and blue eyes but she had on glasses that looked like Yukio’s. She had on a baggy top that looked long and jeans which were not what the students of my school would weir.

          I take a few more steps into the room and explain things to them about why they had been called. I watch Yukio put all of them into pares and he smiles a little when he sees the odd girl before pushing her over to stand by Rin which made me mad for some reason. “Yukio perhaps it would be a good idea to have Aki come down and be in the school instead of alone in the dorm.” I say and look them all over. Ryuji stiffens a little a hurt look flashing throw his eyes the moment I said Aki’s name. There was a giggle and I look around to see who it came from pulling me out of my thoughts about Ryuji and what he might feel for my little sister. The odd girl was the one giggling and she leaned a little on Yukio who was standing by her. “Aki you’re with Rin.” Yukio says and the girl leaning on him stands up straight not giggling anymore before walking over to Rin a big smile on her face. That was Aki my little sister? She didn’t look like it and I have to admit that she looked nice in her normal cloths but what was she doing dressed like that? ‘Because you haven’t given her the new uniform yet.’ I think to myself before leading everyone but Yukio, Rin and Aki out of the room.  I didn’t want to leave her there but at the same time I really needed to deal with the demon who came to my school and might hurt my sister. I couldn’t let that happen at all so I grin and bear it as the saying goes.

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