Chapter 4

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The next day at cram school I was sitting next to Rin at another desk when Shiemi shows up. She sits by Rin during the lesion and I can’t help but thinking that poor girl has doomed herself to bad grades and dealing with Rin’s outburst.  It turns out that Shiemi was there because Rin inspired her but she wanted to be close to Yukio. I fight back a little laugh that was threading to come up but it worked and soon I was paying close attention to Yukio. Once class was done I walk up to Yukio and throw my arms around him. “Onii-Chan can we go get something good for dinner. I want to make something sweet for after.” I sing. Yukio laughs and Rin was soon over next to me. “Sweet as in cake Aki?” Rin asks. I giggle and nod my head. I was still hanging on Yukio as we leave the class room only to be seen by three of the kids from class the one with a blond Mohawk gives me a dirty look. “Sensei we had a question about the homework?” one of them said I wasn’t really paying attention as Rin walks past with Shiemi to a door so she could go home. “Will you get off your boyfriend so we can talk?” Mohawk guy says as he grabs my hurt shoulder and pulls me from Yukio. I hit the wall before grabbing at my arm.

          “Onii-chan.” I cry which makes Rin run over picking me up. Yukio even walks over to me and gently places his hand on my hurt shoulder. “Aki it’s alright. Your onii-chan will give you a piggyback ride home if you stop crying.” Yukio says. I do and he smile before messing up my hair then turning back to the boys who are watching me. Yukio talks with them then when he is done he walks over to where Rin and I are standing. Rin lifts me up and puts me on Yukio’s back as he then takes our things. We then head home passing the boys who stopped Yukio. Yukio sighs but looks happier than he had been in a while. When we get home Yukio puts me down on his bed when we get to the dorm then walks over to his desk.

          The next day in cram class I sit at the desk behind Rin and Shiemi who was talking happily with me. She was glad to know a girl and could be a friend with. I felt like someone was looking at Rin and I turn to see the boy who had hurt me the night before giving Rin a dirty look like he hated him. Rin looked back at him then looked back at his book and I knew he was having one of his pep talks before he goes back to daydreaming about god knows what it was probably about him becoming a exorcist and having all of us bowing down to him. Knowing my big brother if he wasn’t here to learn how to become an exorcist he would have given a dirty look then challenge him to a fight. I was glad that he was taking the high road on this one. Rin ended up sleeping throw most of our classes and when Yukio came to hand back quizzes.

          Mohawk boy had to start trouble with Rin and I sigh a little. I at least got a better score on my test then Rin, who only got a 2 on his test and he had laughed at poor Shiemi. When he called Rin clueless I about lost it. No one ever calls my brothers names. I was so mad and then there was a spark of blue flames near the door which no one notices but Yukio and Rin. They both look over at me before each other. “Rin isn’t clueless.” I snap from my seat. Mohawk look over at me then laughs at Rin. “You have to have a girl fight for you that is pathetic. So what is she your girlfriend?” Mohawk ask. I stand and walk over to him with a look that could kill. I pull back my arm ready to punch him but Yukio grabs my arm. I fight against him and Rin has to hold me back as well. “No one calls my onii-chan clueless and gets away with it.” I scream as I kick out at him but miss because Rin pulled me back.

          Yukio slaps the back of my head. “Aki calm down now.” Yukio says. I hang my head. “Sorry.” I say before letting Shiemi pull me back to my seat. Mohawk was now in a verbal fight with Rin and Yukio had disappeared from the front of the room. I hang my head not willing to look up and see who was looking at me like I was crazy. “Aki-chan. I thought it was sweet for you to stand up for your brother.” Shiemi says as she pats my back. I give her a half hearted smile before looking up to watch my brother fight with this rude, brutish boy. He was like the boys who used to bully me in middle school. The bell rings and I follow Shiemi, Yukio and Rin out to the water feature that is outside.

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