A Connection

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The weekend passed and I had no new dreams of Michael. I started to breathe again. Luke noticed the difference in me and commented on it before I left to go with Sophie.

“Georgiana,” he said, closing my bedroom door behind him. “Is everything ok?”

“Can I ask you a question?”

He sat down next to me.


“Does he—do you…do you talk to him?”

I looked up at him from my hands. He stared back at me, trying to get a grasp on my question.

“He’s called. Once. Earlier today actually. Why?”

“I had a dream.” He nodded. “I just wanted to make sure he was ok.”

“He’s fine.” Was all Luke said.

I nodded. “Good. That’s good. I’m glad.”

“He was worried about you too. What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” I said. “Nothing.”

“Georgiana,” he started but I stood.

“I have to go. I promised Sophie I’d go dress shopping with her.”

“Ok,” Luke said standing. “Let me get my coat. I’ll meet you down stairs.”

We walked out of my room and he went to his room while I went to the stand next to the door, grabbing my coat and winter accessories. I opened the door and squeaked in surprise.

A man stood there, poised to knock. He had dark red hair, fair skin. His eyes were a hazel shade.

“Luke!” I cried.

I stepped back into the apartment and moved to slam the door. He caught it and pushed it open, stepping into the apartment. Luke came flying out of his room.



Luke looked from me to the guy, his posture relaxing.

“Georgiana, it’s ok. This is Finn. He’s replacing…”

“Oh. You’re the new…guard?” I said looking at him.

He just nodded, not saying anything.

“Would have been nice if I had a warning before hand.” I looked at Luke.

“Sorry. Slipped my mind.

“Are you a Vampire too?” I asked looking back at Finn.

He nodded. Michael said they were sending a replacement. I guess he was as good as any.

“Are you as good as Michael?” I asked.

He nodded. I looked at Luke for confirmation.

“He’s qualified,” was all he said.

“Ok.” I moved to leave the apartment but stopped when Finn held up a hand. He pulled out two envelopes and handed them to me. “What’s this?”

One was addressed to me and the other to my parents.

“Mom!” I called, “Dad!”

My parents came out and I handed the one envelope to my mother.

“Who’s it from?” she asked me, ripping it open.

I shrugged. “Big guy here isn’t talking.”

My Dad stepped passed me and held out his hand to Finn. They shook hands and Finn gave my father a half smile. That was more than I got but my father had more respect than any man I’d ever met, besides Michael.

The Illusion (Book Two in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Where stories live. Discover now