Finding Love 7

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A/N sorry I dont upload often but I'm working on finishing Canadian Brat and our other stories

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Not long ago I gave up hope but you came along gave me something I could hold on to - the world has its shine [ but I would drop it on a dime] By Cobra Starship

Danielle's pov

*About a couple weeks later*

The past couple weeks have been great with my new family , its amazing that I found a family that loves me for who I an and not for what they want me to be .

I've learned a lot about voo-doo like

My family practices Louisiana Voo-Doo a.k.a New Orleans Voo-Doo

Louisiana Voodoo has no sacred book and is followed by many, the beliefs of Louisiana Voodoo vary somewhat from person to person. Louisiana Voodoo combines elements of European and African beliefs, and Roman Catholicism. It is a dynamic religion that has both adapted to and shaped New Orleans culture.

And other facts like

core beliefs of Louisiana Voodoo include the recognition of one God who does not interfere in people's daily lives and spirits that preside over daily life. Spiritual forces, which can be kind or mischievous, shape daily life through and intercede in the lives of their followers. Connection with these spirits can be achieved through dance, music, singing, and the use of snakes

The main focus of Louisiana Voodoo today is to serve others and influence the outcome of life events through the connection with nature, spirits, and ancestors. True rituals are held "behind closed doors" as a showy ritual would be considered disrespectful to the spirits. Voodoo methods include readings, spiritual baths, specially devised diets, prayer, and personal ceremony. Voodoo is often used to cure anxiety, addictions, depression, loneliness, and other ailments. It seeks to help the hungry, the poor, and the sick .

At first it was very shocking and unbelievable , but now I can bare with it and I kinda like it .

But beside that I really never talked to Ryan ever since I left the orphanage all I know is that he did get adopted by a Rich lawyer that lives in Stratford about 20 miles away from here.

I really love my life here with my family but I feel like a chunk of my heart was pulled out of my chest and thrown away . I really miss him I miss how he used to put me first always . How he used to sometimes stay up at night to protect me , just in-case the new kid at the orphanage was a complete psycho or somekind of murderer . the thing i really miss most his scent .

I mean yes I did steal a couple of shirts before I left , but it's not the same as it would be if I were hugging him .

Maybe I should go ask mom if she needs help around the house , I need to get my mind off Ryan maybe I should just give up the hope that we"ll ever be together .

Just as I'm about to open the door I stepped on something ...

It's a letter.

It doesn't say who it's from tho

It reads

Dear Danielle,

I'm very sorry I didn't write you earlier but I got adopted by a nice woman that works as a lawyer and she took me on vacation to New York .it was very beautiful , I loved it but I couldn't keep my mind off of you so I managed to get your address from the orphanage but writing you isn't the same as hearing your voice , call me if you get a chance.

Call Me ,Write Me ,Dont Forget Me

Love , Ryan


And there was a post-it note with a number written on it .

Call me , write me ,dont forget me I should get a tattoo of that on my arm someday .

" Not long ago I gave up hope but you came along gave me something I could hold on to" .

I sang quietly

Lyrics I heard in a song before I don't remember where I heard it but it explains what I'm feeling right now.

Just when I thought there was no hope of ever talking to Ryan again , here It was the tiny post-it note with a number on it .

that was all I needed to feel like I can fly . Now all I need is a phone.



sorry if it's short hope you liked it

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