Chapter 4

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Never thought i'd find Love,Especially in this Place.

Part 4.


Ryans Words cut me deeper then a knife..

he just killed my happiness from our wonderfull kiss.

"I,m leaving tonight?"

I ask in utter shock.

Ryan looked down as he ran a hand threw his perfect black hair.

" yes"..

Ryan said coldy.

I felt colder then ice. Its amazing only a few seconds ago I was happy

as I will ever be with that kiss,Now I'm dieing.

I sobb deeply. Ryan holds me tight.. It feels right. But neverless I'm not happy.

hours pass to soon as ryan rocks me slowy in his arms.

it feels like I'm going in slow mo..

When my cab pulls up to the train station my heart shatters.

Goodbye repeats in my head over and over.

tears fall so fast causing my vision to become blury.

Ryan kisses me softly causing shivers all over my body."call me,Write me,Dont forget me".

he says. I sobb more."Never ever will I forget you". I kiss Ryan goodbye.

The train was torment to my soul. I wrote on a paper in Freestyle Script. Call Me,Write Me,Dont Forget Me.

I will get this tattoo on me for sure.

The world seemed unfair and cruel at this time.


Why me?

Why on earth does all this crap happen to me?

Ryan face is burned in to my head. His sad filled Eyes the hurt on his face.

"You Seem Sad?"..

a soft voice said. I tunred to the girl.. Whos face is covered by a

gray huge hoodie.

"Yeah I am". I said. my tune was very hatefull. she nodds."why?'.

Honestly shes freaky. her jeans are super dirty. I cant see her face.

or arms there hidden by her huge hoodie.

but i,m feeeling awfull,so I tell her.

"oh..But you might get A Family".

I think about a family..BUt what I really want is...

The train stoped. wow those hours passed by quicky.

I step off I instandly see..A women in a blue dress with a over

sweater that is white holding a sigh with my name on.

"Come along to the orphanage"

she says..


the place was no upper class from my hometown oprhanage.

matter of fact it looked the same.

the kids whisper and point.

"Off to bed".

~A few days Later~

I lost a few pounds from not eating. I only cry. I dont say anything either.

Finding Love In Strange PlacesWhere stories live. Discover now