Oh Nostalgia, I Don't Need You Anymore

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A/N HEY EVERYONE READING THIS! Listen to this song while reading this chapter, PLEASE!

----> http://youtu.be/RKEFeIFJ8-M 

This chapter is longer than the others because I'm not AS sick and I'm bored to death! But I know y'all are like, "Just let us read the rest of the story!" So here you go!


Everything was going great. It was June, I was about to finish my Junior year with Kaylaa. Trey, Veronica, and Jacob were graduating. Kaylaa's baby Jordan was healthy, my soon to be baby was healthy in my womb. And then the graduation came:

"Okay baby sis, it's time for the ceremony to start. When you next see me, imma be a college man!" Jacob said to me.

"Haha! You're old!" I teased.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Well I'll see you later! Love you!" he said.

"Love you too!" I said.

Then he came. The man who kicked a pregnant teen out, came with Trey and Kaylaa's family. There were three other people behind them, but I didn't know who. I knudged Kaylaa.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry Fi! I called my parents to see Trey graduate! I didn't know they would bring him too!" Kaylaa ranted.

"It's okay, really. But who's the people behind them?" I asked.

They all walked forward, and finally I figured out who the people were.



And the guy who raped me.

Jamie sat down and looked my way. I turned around quickly, not knowing if she was still a stuck up snob, or sorry for me.

They graduated, and at the end I felt somebody tap my shoulder.

It was Jamie.

"HA! Everyone look at this! Fiona Yu is knocked up! I never thought you were a slut little lady, just a messed up wanna be!" Jamie yelled.

"Come on we don't have time for this, let's go." Kaylaa said, holding Jordan.

"Ohhhh! I get it now! Little Miss I Tried To Kill Myself, is trying to help everyone! Bitch get out my face!" Jamie snapped back.

"You know Jamie, I feel sorry for you! I mean, you having AIDs and everything. And then you're a stripper! AND further more, Andrew is a baby daddy, who doesn't love you, and probably has AIDs right now too!" I said.

Andrew must've heard because he ran over to us screaming his head off.

"What'd you say?" he asked, confused as ever.

"Oh, I guess your precious little doll didn't tell you. Well here's the simple fact. You have AIDs. Sorry. I truely am. And do this for me why don't cha. Tell that nice man over there, that he's a baby daddy just like you. 8 months in. Oh, and he has the same diesese as you! Y'all could be the Three Musketeers! No. no! The Three Stooges! 'Cause y'all stupid as fuck! Spread the Peace! I'M OUT BITCHES!" I concluded.

They looked dumbfounded. The crowd that surrounded us did too.

And so did my father.

"FIONA!" He called out. But I walked out of there with swag and power. Like I had just won a war.

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