"Well Yippee..."

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Before we actually move on, I need to address this pic here. WTF NO SORRY. Comments be like, "kiss already!" NO. STINGUE ONLY. NO. THIS IS NOT OKAY

"It's gonna be fun!" Sting tells Yukino.

"You think everything is fun," I roll my eyes.

Even this whole prank.

Yukino's face was still red, but she didn't protest. She just shrugged in agreement.


A double date. Well yippee...

I honestly don't know. Like, do I mind or do I not?

"Ehem," Yukino clears her throat and the red color fades from her face. "I say we go get pizza tonight!"

"Sounds good to me!" Sting shows his signature smile. Oh, his smile makes me melt every time. Every time, but I never had the courage to admit that to myself.

"Okay, I'll let Minerva know!" Yukino smiles.

"Whatever, it sounds good to me. I'm looking forward to it," I say. I actually mean it though. I really want to spend time with Sting.

I look up at him, and he winks at me.

Oh, he thinks I'm just playing along with the prank... But I am not.

"Well, same here! Can't wait to hang out with you, Rogue," Sting kisses the top of my forehead.

Oh man, I am smiling and giggling like crazy right now.

"Aww, you're so adorable Rogue!" He wraps his arms around my waist. I am also blushing insanely.

"I love you, Sting," I say to him.

"Ha, I love you too, Rogue," he nuzzles into my neck.

But, Sting... I really mean it though...

"Ehem!" Yukino fake clears her throat. "I'll just see you two later. And by the way, you guys are just adorable. Just stop. Lector, Frosch, let's go."

Yukino usually takes care of Lector and Frosch while I help Sting with paperwork and all that. You know, Sting being the new guild master and all, right?

But sometimes, he insists that I don't do anything. He says that he just doesn't want to be alone. He just wants my company.

I follow Sting to his office, and I sit on a seat next to him.

"Haha! We totally got her!" Sting laughs as he takes a kind of thick stack of papers. It was definitely smaller than it was yesterday, so he could totally finish most of it on his own.


"You know, the prank?" He still laughs a little.

"Oh. Uh, yeah," my heart sinks a little, but hearing him laugh made me feel a little better.

"You good, Rogue?"

"Yeah, I'm totally fine. Just fine," I don't usually lie to him. He's my best friend, so I don't really have a reason to in the first place.

"You're probably just nervous."

"Heh, I guess you could say that..."

"There's really no reason to be, Rogue."


"It's gonna be fun for all of us here! Like, Yukino is gonna hang out with Minerva, and we're just gonna keep confusing them!"

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