My Lover's Quake

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I opened my eyes and saw him, the person I've fallen in love with. I never believed in love at first sight, but today my heart begged to differ.

(Sunday) 9:00 A.M. Villa Malibu

I woke up as I received a call from a close friend of mine, Monica. Monica has been my best friend ever since we met in first grade. We've gone to the same schools each consecutive year. I knew her reason for calling but I was never happy waking up in the morning.

I answered the phone, "Hi! Thanks for ruining my awesome dream of falling in love with my Prince Charming."

She laughed, "Excuse me, but you were the one who told me to call yesterday. For future reference, you won't ever have a Prince Charming, if you sound like that waking up in the morning. Even Sleeping Beauty wasn't as raspy and grumpy when she woke up from her long slumber." 

As she continued on her lesson of being a proper princess, I noted things that sounded promisingly helpful in my head.

"So," she continued, "You better get dress if you want to go impress those guys!"

Every Saturday, or Sunday, we would go out to the mall plaza and try to find our future companions in life. May seem a little desperate, but I have the most logical reason of why I continue to do so.

We also have the right intentions, I reminded my self. 

"Guess I have no choice anyways," I yawned. "School is about to begin tomorrow and I declared that I would get a guy before summer ends."

This was a bet I made to all of my classmates before school ended for summer. If I didn't have a boyfriend by the time school began then I wanted to be known as Igor. I only started the bet to protect my pride from guys who were calling me impossible and immature. Which I don't blame them. 

I lived in a time where black and white clothing were most preferred to look mature, for guys at least. I went into high school my freshmen year, thinking that it was all about color. Throughout the year I never gave their insults much attention, but at the end of the year I wanted to finally end those comments; by proving I could get a guy while being myself. So far, I've failed repeatedly, but I try not to be discouraged by those attempts.

"Let's not forget how you announced it in front of everyone in class: jumping on top of the desk, screaming loudly, and taunting each and every person you saw in sight. If you come back without a single date, everyone is going to make you a laughing stock," Monica added to my point.

"Not helping."

"Sorry! Just get dressed, I'm on my way." She ended the call. I had my own car, but Monica would always suggest driving herself; she claimed to be protecting me. Monica believed my driving was too fast and rowdy, which was true. I never waited for stop signs, I sped over the limits, and I would always get into arguments with the nearest car driver.

I tossed the phone on my lamp stand, which was next to my bed. That was my only use of the lamp stand. I only got it so my parents, who comes over to visit constantly, would believe that I actually spent my time reading. I'm the only daughter of my parents so my life is given way too much attention. 

Lifting my pink sheets with a silky, red lace that bordered it's edges, I planted my feet on the cold, wooden floor and rose from my bed. I shivered as the cold began to ascend to the rest of my body. I tiptoed to my closet of clothing and opened the doors. The rush of air sent chills throughout my body. I observed each and every pair of clothing on the hooks. Instead of learning my lesson on the maturity of clothing, I grabbed a colorful tank-top and red jeans that matched. 

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