Chapter 29

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December 16th-

"Good Morning." Shawn rolled over and tickled my nose.
"What time is it?" I asked rolling over and taking the sheets with me.
"9:30am." Shawn said rolling me back over and kissing my cheek.
"Happy Birthday." He whispered.
"Thank you." I kissed him back.

"How old are you?" He joked.
We have been best friends for 7 years? I think it is. IM TURNING 17!

"17. Ps- you knew that." I joked back.

"You're right." He said rolling over on top of me. Looking me straight in the eyes.

He started to lean in. He placed on hand on my cheek. And the other he placed on the bed.
Then he slammed his lips onto mine.

"Shawn. I. Need. To. Brush. My. Teeth." I said in between kisses.

"You're fine." He said lifting up for three seconds and then kissing me again.

He started to tickle me....EVERYWHERE!!

I started to giggle. He knew that I was super ticklish around my stomach/waist.

He started to tickle there and I lost it!

"Shawn! Shawn! STOP STOP STOP!" I yelled and laughed at the same time.

Then Taylor walked in with a toothbrush in his mouth and toothpaste all over his lips.

"What do you want?" Shawn stopped for a minute to ask.
I quickly got out of his grip and went to the bathroom.

"You guys are interrupting Matt's sleep. That's at least what he said." He said jumping into Shawn & I's bed and turning on the TV.

"Do you know what day it is?" I asked Taylor.

"Tuesday?" He raised his eyebrows.

"And...??" I hinted.
"Yeah, I don't know." He gave up.
"My birthday! You twerp!" I threw my hands up in defeat and went to do my hair.

I straightened it. I was tired of curls.

Then I through on a pink sweater, white jeans, lace socks, and grey boots. Oh! And a white scarf.

I thought I looked hot. I took one more glance in the mirror and then I walked out.

"Ready!" I exclaimed.
"For what?" I heard G say from the living room.

"What are we doing for my birthday?" I yelled impatiently.

Bart came out of nowhere and said, "Everyone get dressed. We have a surprise waiting for Sam."
"Really?" I jumped.
"Yep, be down there in 25 minutes." He smiled.
"Oh, and happy birthday." He added.

I smiled and walked into my room.
Taylor had left and Shawn had done his hair already. Wow.

"What are you going to wear?" I said going through his closet.
"You choose." He said looking up from his phone.

I got out black jeans, a grey sweater, and black vans. He's going to look cute❤️

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