Chapter 28

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"Sam, will you please hang out with me?" Shawn whined.
"Shawn, I have to do this paperwork. And then I want to finish my song. And then eat lunch!" I flashed a fake smile.

"I love you but, you do way too much. You're only 16." He said rubbing my shoulders.
"Shawn, I love you too! But you do too little." I copied him.
Shawn walked out of the room pouting.

"Will you be at Magcon tonight?" He peeked his head in.
"Yes!" I shouted.
"Okay, good." Then he shut the door.

The paperwork wasn't was just very long. And my pen wasn't working very well.

I walked into Taylor's room and went straight for his bandana drawer. He kept EVERYTHING in there. One time I asked him for some colored pencils and he said check my bandana drawer.

I pulled it open and grabbed a pen.

I was heading back to my room when Bart waved me over to his.

"Yeah?" I asked while walking in.
"When's your birthday?" He asked.
"December 16." I looked confused.
"Oh, nothing. Go back to your bedroom."

"Okay." I trotted back to my bedroom.

Time to fill out the last page of this packet. Ugh!

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