Chapter 11

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The next day was awful. I had a knot in my stomach and felt like I was going to throw up.

Matt had saw Shawn & I kissing. Shoot.
I need to talk to Matt.

We were sitting down for brunch at Bob Evan's. I was in between Shawn & Nash.
Matt was sitting at the other end of the table.
"Shawn, I'm going to talk to Matt. I'll be right back." I said standing up.
"Are you choosing him?" His face fell.
I shook my head and walked over to Matt.
Our food wasn't coming for another 20 minutes.
"Matt, could we go outside and talk?" I asked tapping on his shoulder.
"Yeah." He stood up and led the way outside.

We walked out on the porch and stood next to the railing.
"Matt, I'm sorry that I kissed Shawn while we were together. I feel awful. I got caught up in the moment." My heart started beating really fast.
He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at me.
"I know, I wasn't expecting us to stay together very long. You love Shawn. I was just there to fill his spot for awhile. I understand." His words made my heart hurt.
"Matt, you are one of the sweetest guys in the world. But I don't think of you as more than a friend. A very close friend." I smiled.
"Thanks, same to you." He pulled me in for a hug.
"Now, can you & Shawn be friends again? I hate seeing you guys apart." I pleaded.
"Fine. I'll talk to him later." He smiled and we walked back into the restaurant.

I sat next to Shawn. He looked up at me.
"Just friends." I smiled.
He smiled and then looked me right in the eyes.
"What are we?"

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