Holiday! (2)

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The family of five had a quick walk around the small city, visited a park which Niall adored, and watched the boats that were disposed in long lines at the port, something Louis was really interested in. They stopped for a while to have some ice cream, and then walked back to their hotel. It had been a long, long day for them, the kids not used to the time change, and they were really sleepy even though it was barely 7 pm. Zayn and Liam tried to keep them up a bit more, because they didn't want them to be awake and screaming at 5 am, but even they were tired.

After a light dinner, they guided the kids back to their room. They had rented a big hotel room, which consisted in two separate rooms with a king size bed each, a shared bathroom and a little living room that connected the two rooms. The three kids would sleep in one of the beds, and Liam and Zayn in the other one.

They took the three boys into the bathroom, which was big enough for the five of them, and started a quick shower-bath, as Louis called them. They filled the tub halfway, and while two of them played, the other one was getting clean with the shower head. It was quick and the kids got to play a bit, so it made everyone happy.

Once the three kids got out, they could barely keep their eyes opened. Liam dressed Louis and Harry while Zayn changed Niall into his nappy.

"As soon as we get back to England, we are going to start potty-training you, okay? You want to learn how to go to the potty like a big boy? And get rid of this yucky nappies?" Zayn cooed as he tickled Niall's tummy. The little boy giggled. "Wes Papa." he answered, his fingers in his mouth.

When they were ready, Zayn and Liam carried them to their bed.

"I wanna be in the middle" Harry said.

"Actually, Harry, Papa and I would like it if Niall slept in the middle. You know he has rails in his bed because he moves a lot, so you and Louis can sleep on the sides and keep him from falling to the floor." Liam explained.

"Okay" Harry answered. Given how tired he was, Zayn and Liam were relieved he hadn't put up a fight.

The kids were asleep as soon as they touched the soft sheets, and the parents left, now able to enjoy their huge bed.

It was about five hours later that Liam and Zayn woke up to little whimpers. They rushed to the kid's room, wishing that Louis hadn't wet the bed, because that would be awkward to explain to the cleaning ladies. Luckily for them, it wasn't Louis. Harry was curled up in a ball, crying softly. Liam scooped him up and carried him to the living room before the other two woke up.

"What happened, Hazza?" they cooed, as Liam rocked him back and forth.

"No... no cars. No like cars" Harry cried. Zayn touched his hair gently to calm him down.

"I know you don't like cars, buddy. It's okay, we're here now, see?"

Eventually Harry calmed down enough for the fathers to perform a much needed pull up change that Harry was extremely embarrassed about.

"I wanna be a big boy. No yucky nappy" he mumbled. Zayn mentally cursed. He had said those words to Niall right in front of Harry, and now Harry was upset.

"Just for this trip, and then we'll see when we get to England, okay? If you're dry during a whole week, we'll stop" Liam said softly. Harry nodded.

"Do you want to sleep with us, hunny?" Zayn asked. Harry shook his head. "No, Papa. I don't want Nini to fall off the bed because I'm not there." he said. Zayn smiled proudly.

"You're a very good boy, Harry. Let's go to bed." Liam said. Liam placed Harry on the bed next to Niall and Louis. Niall had grabbed the sheets in his right hand, and Louis' t-shirt in his left hand. Louis was asleep on his stomach too, facing Niall. It was really cute.

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